Angelo and co

Descriptions of Angelo and his children. Pages for everyone here except Angelo and Scribe are the general classes of angels rather than individuals, but I will add tabs for specific instances when I develop them.

Co-created with catterfly

Pages on all except Angelo's will contain an entry from Scribe's compendium on her own siblings. The following applies to them, spoiler-ed for size:

We, the angels of the Seraph’s choir, are faithful servants, soldiers, scholars, and so much more to our father. While he says that if we ever decide to end our services to him, he would willingly let us go, not one has yet to take up the offer. We shall stand with him until the end, no matter what.

That is an oath we have made to eachother and him.


It should be noted that “Angels” are not our actual race, we certainly aren’t truly the heavenly beings depicted in books and stories, but it is a name that has stuck, and it’s appropriate enough since we are neither human or monster.

Our bodies are not of flesh, but rather alchemically made with clay, limestone, water, and various other ingredients. This physical composition gives us various benefits and yet some disadvantages, in general.


  • Our bodies are much more naturally conductive to magic, even able to convert other’s magic into a form we can use.
  • Extreme physical injuries, upwards of even the complete loss of a limb, is easily repairable, to the point it can be hard to notice that one was injured at all.
  • Our bodies being made of physical matter gives us a resistance to physical injury. Yet also, our natural magical prowess gives us resistance to magical arts as well.
  • A material like clay makes our bodies slightly more malleable to physical changes, which is a good thing and bad thing. The good thing being, if any of us grow to be dissatisfied with how we look, it would be simple to ask for a change.
  • We can “age”, but our physical age is mostly a process of allowing our bodies to grow accustomed to the amount of power and magic the Seraph gifts to us. Thus, our physical age can be accelerated to a desired point, and then slowed to a crawl. (Note: Unknown if effectively immortal)
  • If ever our father improves upon his formula, then he can easily transfer us to an updated body, if both parties agree.


  • Our bodies take some time to prepare, plus the specialized ingredients are limited and can be costly to acquire. Out of all the possible choices for our bodies, this is easily the most complicated and expensive. (Addendum: Scratch that, we could've been made out of metal. THAT would have been prohibitively expensive.)
  • While we can handle extreme physical injuries, we still feel pain, and enough damage can completely destabilize our bodies, causing the magic within to backfire, ending with a pile of useless clay, unable to be reused for a new body.
  • Following up on the bad thing to our own malleability, without being allowed to be fixed or healed, some physical changes can cause our bodies to warp in disadvantageous ways.
  • The special materials in our bodies also give us a very special chemical composition, meaning some certain substances cause our bodies to begin to melt or disintegrate if we make direct physical contact. This is new information, so we dont know everything that can do this.
  • The amount of power we have is very deliberate, while we can absorb magic from others that give it willingly, we cannot hold more than we’re supposed have for too long, or else our bodies tend to start destroying itself. Explosively. Speaking from experience, trust me.

Of course, with all of that, there is one special detail that must be explained. Our Souls, to be exact. Every angel one sees has a gemstone on their body, that resembles the same one our father has. While it makes for an effective identifier, this stone is also our core, it contains our Soul.

Our bodies can always be replaced. But if that stone gets destroyed, if our Souls get destroyed, then we die. No ifs, no buts, no way to come back aside from turning back time itself.

Beyond that, the unique thing about our Souls is that they’re actually a small piece of the Seraph’s own. Every single one of us carry a small piece of him, some more than others. I suppose, in some technical sense, we are less his children, but more extensions of himself, split off and allowed to develop separately.

He does say that he forms the basis of each angel’s personality, based on their type, by focusing on an aspect of himself. Like I would guess he focuses on how he was as a child, for his Cherubs.

But that is not to say that we’re simple clones of him, we’re not. And while we come from a base, different experiences over the years do cause separate personalities to develop. Given more time, and im sure each one of us will only grow more unique.

And that is why I deny the logical technicality earlier, and instead enforce the truth that we are his children, we are a family.

Additionally, him using his own Soul means that there is a hard limit to how many of us he can create in a span of time until it heals again, lest he risk destroying himself.

Aside from those that are unique, like myself, or some special exceptions, all of us are created without a name or any sort of gender identity. We are told to choose our own names, when we’re ready, and that our gender identity is whatever we grow to be most comfortable with.

Our names tend to end up being names we learn of from what we read or watch, but can also be words like Daring or Happiness.


Canine Magic Dog Winged High Morality Monster Yokai Bug Virtue Void Demi-God Construct