Favs humanoid Uft Kingdom UFT male art Ocean ocean demon ufo female kingdom UFO uft Ufo cat dog Male oc ferals canine feral Free species alfvie original character mylittlepony stagnant nyamo electric Jellyfish coatbean Pink plomys Spirit winxclub wof Dog Prince jellinu dnd Bg3 Humanoid Raven Demon cat human mylittleponyoc modern nyazu legendary Rat needsart OTA Hyena fairy horns wof mudwing Snow Mushroom Centaur Demon Hybrid Shifter closed specie neon COMFORT pokemon Human mermaid Purple Art OK Ghost winx wings of fire banana Custom MLP Unicorn Raffle Devil Avian aquanine wolf feline Oc 8shaku gijinka zapdos Blue club mudwing Wolves Royal OS Earth Pony dungeons and dragons Dnd Horns Crow