SetsuntaMew's Bulletins


Posted 4 years, 10 months ago by SetsuntaMew

I've been putting some serious work into my characters' profiles in the past month and I think it's finally paying off!!! I'm most of the way through putting up profiles for everyone, and most of them are only missing things like....backstory/summary......because that is a LOT of fucking writing and I just haven't gotten that far yet XD But basic things like personality, looks, design, etc are there!!!

Up next: drawing proper full body references for everyone.....or like, everyone who needs one......which is a lot............ But I guess I gotta put my fancy iPad to good use and just go for it!!! I've been procrastinating drawing by writing a bunch, so I'll just have to switch it up XD

I haven't gotten to my critters or flight rising characters yet, but they're coming!!! They're just a little less defined and developed, so I have to decide what I wanna do with them ^^;;

Anyway, feel free to poke around my OCs!! I love getting comments and/or talking about them!! I'm just anxious about reaching out to people first....but I do appreciate any and all love they get :D

Art Raffle!!!!

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by SetsuntaMew

My wife stumbled on this art raffle by bedbugmochi @ dA and their art looks gorgeous, so y'all should check it out too!!!

5K Watcher Raffle!!!!!

New icons....again.....

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by SetsuntaMew

Y'all remember how I just changed all of my characters' icons 2 weeks ago? Well I decided I didn't like them - mostly cause they looked nice on the layout but not really anywhere else on the site - and redid them. Again. And also made icons for all of dragonofeternal's characters (because I really like to procrastinate actually writing up backstories and shit, apparently).

I think I need to chill XD

Anyway, my current goals are to work on proper references for characters that don't have them and make some progress on filling out layouts that I've put up for characters already :T Somedaaaaaaay I will be dooooone~~~~

OC alignment chart: updated edition

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by SetsuntaMew

Decided this needed an update since I've made some new OCs ;D


New Watermark!!!!!

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by SetsuntaMew

To go with my fancy fresh profile layout, I made myself a new watermark :D This time it’s a lot more exciting than my username in a script font (tho to be fair I whipped that up in photoshop in under 10 minutes, lmao) and is muuuuch more my brand.


Anyway!!! I spent a lot of time on it over the weekend, and then potentially even more time adding it to all the art I have uploaded....never before have I regretted having so much XD However, I did discover a brush in procreate that I really love while working on this, so hopefully that'll help with some of my art!!!!

New Profile Layout!!!!!

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by SetsuntaMew

It’s still litttttle under construction, but I have a fresh new profile layout, featuring art by Misash and coding by lowkeywicked :D I wanted something with more color and art, and also more Kichi (because shhhh, I sometimes play favorites with OCs). This also meant I had to change all my characters’ icons, because I wanted things to match and also sometimes I don’t know when to stop myself :TTTT

Also, I finally got around to making a custom/detailed character overview folder!! Once again using coding by lowkeywicked (this time the folder customization set), I did tweak it a little bit to flow better with the profile layout I’m using. But now everyone is way better organized, and I wrote little blurbs about the settings they’re all from. Except for The Hound of Night, but that’s because of who I am as a person (and also because every time I try to write its summary I get frustrated??? someday I will succeed).

Aaaaand maybe someday I’ll even finish all my characters’ profiles XD

so, I do art now I guess? XD

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago by SetsuntaMew

Mostly I've just finally started drawing again!!! I got my wife an iPad + apple pencil for their birthday at the beginning of the year, and after finally playing with it myself last month, I was like oh fuuuuuuuck I love this??? I love this. It's the first time I've felt like I've actually started making actual progress on drawing, instead of just feeling like garbage.

And then thanks for a very well timed bonus at work, I was able to get myself one XD So over the next few months I'm hoping to finally!!!! finish references for all my OCs!!!!! Some of them really need them ;w;

CSS code raffle!!

Posted 5 years, 5 months ago by SetsuntaMew

I don't usually post about these, but vom makes such lovely codes that I just had to share!! check it out here!:

further updates!

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by SetsuntaMew

changed the icons for allllll my characters today....they didn't match my new layout AT ALL so obviously I needed to redo everything..........

I really like them now tho!!!! :D maybe next I'll actually finish all my characters' profiles and backstories, too.... :P

new layout + small personal update

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago by SetsuntaMew

I swear I just can't make up my mind on what I want to do with profiles >< this one is by lowkeywicked with very minimal changes by me, because I really just wanted something simple and easy this time. someday I'll make my own from scratch, but for now I'm happy with this!! :D

anyway, personal update: I was in the hospital for almost a week, and then spent a lot of time recovering at home afterwards. I'm finally feeling better and am back at work, but I'm still working on catching up with messages & such online. toyhouse is kind of last priority unfortunately, since I have to do a bunch of social media work as part of my job. I THINK I've responded to all the messages I got on here while I was gone, but if I missed anyone please lemme know!!! thank you! :D