
GAMMA☆ is a (now disbanded) male idol group that Sky was a part of during his late teen/young adult years. The group was extremely popular across the galaxy, even creating a religious cult legion of fangirls called "Gammagirls". Sky's egotistical persona also started developing here, and it only got worse over time. He doesn't get his "redemption arc" until he meets Keith years later.

Despite (most) of the idol's happy faces, they actually hated working with Sky. They complained that Sky was an attention hog and was treating them poorly, as if they weren't talented enough to perform alongside him. Sky would always flaunt his popularity in front of them and they became miserable working with him. However, their manager dismissed the group's refusal to work with him, as he feared that the band breaking up would destroy thier success. So unfortunately, the idols would have to put up with him for a few years.

GAMMA✰ disbanded after 3 years once the four other idols weren't able to stand their working conditions anymore. Sky moved on to become a solo artist while the others formed their own independent music group. The Gammagirls were devastated by the breakup, but eventually moved on to follow Sky's evolving career. The other 4 faded into obscurity since they were no longer backed by a megacorporation, but that was okay since they were finally free and happy. None of them have ever spoken to or seen Sky ever since then (nor do they want to).