Voltron OC AU

Because Voltron Legendary Defender broke our hearts, Neji and I decided to create an AU to help piece together the shattered remains that were left courtesy of Dreamworks...

Now, we chose to put our characters in the setting of Voltron simply because it adds a fun little flare to it. It has characters included from every series we've created, and I should add that the cast is still heavily being worked out. [Let's be real, doing a word for word retelling of Voltron would be boring, so there are gonna be some pretty major changes. This goes especially for seasons 3ish and onward.]

**Whether or not I will make an actual series out of this remains to be seen. However, I am heavily considering it for sometime in the future, b/c that would be hella fun.

Also, some of the characters below have empty bios, and will be updated when I get more time to do so**

CAST (so far)


Gregory - Lance

Millie [aka Hawk] - Pidge / Katie Holt

Curtis - Hunk

Raye - Keith

Qrow- Shiro


Tamera - Allura

Jayce - Coran

Cory - Romelle

Zyrus - King Alfor

Galra (Villains)

Artemien - Zarkon

Elinor - Haggar

Damien - Lotor

Hero - Axca

Side Characters

Gael - Shay

Xandros - Slav

Marth - Krolia

Elijah [aka Eli] - Matt Holt

Ravin  - Sam Holt

Darren - Adam

Alistair - Iverson

Briggs - Sendak

Archeron - Kolivan

Leandre - Veronica