Sharky_Corner's Profile Comments

Hey, I'm going through this dude's ownership log as I noticed his gallery count doesn't match up. Just trying to figure out who deleted or hid his art. If it's not you, it's all good. I'm just checking.

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hey! could you change's character permissions please? :'0

Hey! I was wanting to possibly trade for these guys? (mainly Runt tbh) 

Does anyone in my TH interest you? 

Anyone off limits?

Personas, fursonas, secondary (in animal), and comfort (in animal). Everyone else is fair game. I have quite a bit of unsorted characters that I've kinda recently gotten but haven't attached to yet. 

I kinda dig this kiddo

I'd be down to do that if no one else grabs your eye. 

Unfortunately not, did you want both of them?

2 Replies
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