
The Phuse are a semi-Greek alphabet inspired cast of alien beings/deities whose purposes are to keep balance on their planet. They're considered as superheroes, whether that be in a negative light or positive light, and after a few decades where more and more Phuse went missing, they were considered myths. Each Phuse (each taking a letter) has a specific role to play in the world's balance; they do not physically age, but they are able to die. When a Phuse dies, the person that they were is gone. Someone else (not another Phuse) becomes that Phuse and continues to fulfill that role until they die, and the cycle continues indefinitely. Sometimes (though very, very rarely), when a Phuse dies, it may be that no one takes their place; as though that role that that Phuse fulfilled is no longer needed from then on (as the world has progressed well enough to do without it).

The Phuse are also, as you suspect, able to fuse with one another-- but it is a very dangerous thing to do, and is often never done because of what it does to the two minds that combat each other. Fusion is only used in absolute emergencies-- whether that be to save someone, or stop a force greater than them (which could often be another two fused Phuse; so it's a delicate balance that requires minds that can handle the chaos of another's brain battering at them). It's not fun, safe, or a good idea, ever, basically.

July 3rd, 2014