Shiranova's Profile Comments

Howdy! I would like to know where I can find your TOS <3

You can find my adoptable ToS here
Bear in mind that they're a bit older since I haven't been in the adoptable community for ages. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. :>

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No need to thank me. <:

Thanks for the fave on Noel!

I love your art, it's beautiful <3, and your characters are adorable!

No need to thank me! He gave me oldschool rpg vibes. It's a really nice design

Hui! Wo sind denn alle restlichen Charaktere hin? D:

Die sind auf privat gestellt, bis ich bessere Refs und Beschreibungen habe. Wenn du dir einen bestimmten anschauen willst, mach ich den gerne wieder öffentlich für dich. ^^

Ah, oki! övö (von Raine habe ich ja die Ref gespeichert x3)

Your art is beautiful~! And all of your characters are lovely ahh~ <3

Oh my~ thank you so very much! This cheers me up tremendously! <3

hello!!! just wondering who drew your icon??

omg look at all of your wonderful babies!! Thank you so much for the fav, I am glad I found your characters through it!

Oh dear! Thank you so much! And no need to thank me. I just had to fave him. You put so much effort into this character and his gallery is gorgeous. QvQ

I love your oc's! There so cool <3

Thank you so much! That means a lot to me! <3

You're welcome!


*blinks and suddenly has twenty activity alerts from you* omg you've been so productive lately ahaha

Oh my~ I'm sorry! X'D It's just because I uploaded the characters and art I did for my final thesis. So it's basically school stuff and I had a nasty deadline hence I was productive. Hahaha~ (Stress is the best motivation for me, unfortunately...) I kinda started liking the characters that's why I wanted to have them in my family here as well. uvu


Noooo, I love seeing your art. IT MAKES ME HAPPY TO SEE NOTIFICATION LANDSLIDES.... But omg, I like them all, too. uwu

Awww~ thank you so much! QAQ <33


Shira, I'm trying to figure out what kind of magic you use to art. Every time I try to draw Vespasian, I keep failing because of his hair. orz such betrayals

Awww~ but his hair is so nice. ;A;

5 Replies

Thank you once again for the code!! I'm going to see if I can put it to good use these next few days~~ ovo

You're very welcome! <3

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//taches your page and your ocs hue hue

O-oh my~ °//7//° //grabs all your ocs You have so many cuties! QAQ And your site layout looks so neat! I envy you~ eve

you have so many cuties too hnnggg and shhh, you two bab//taches those cheebs on your pages

*freu freu* HALLLO *ansabber*

ist das toll das du jz auch hier bist QAQ!!!


OMG XDDDD ich lasse meine sachen noch im stash, weil ich da maru aufgeräumter hinbekomme in all ihren kleidern :'D hier kann ich yha nur alle bilder aufeinmal reinpampen~ *dich anspring*

Ich behalte mein Stash Zeugs auch. Ich werde hier vermutlich nicht alle Lintukoto OCs reinpampen. Wegen dem Artbook. Oder zumindest werde ich sie nicht öffentlich machen. Ich hab dich aber authorisiert, also solltest du alles sehen können. <3 Du musst mehr OCs hochladen. Tama. Und Männer. QAQ

Yah ^-^ DANKE DIR <33 ich sehe ALLES *A* sogar ohne watermark<3 ich muss dich auch noch auhorisieren , wegen den wasserzeichen ^^ YAHHH ich bin nur zu faul Dx......*ich zeichne grade ein bild von prim ^-^*

Ja, alle anderen haben ein schönes fettes Wasserzeichen vor der Nase. XD Priiiim. *draufsabber* Ich muss heute noch die Designs für meine Maturarbeit machen. Irgendwie bin ich total inspiriert, aber irgendwie auch faul. XDD

21 Replies