Important Characters

Shuko's Quest

Traveling around avoiding some responsibilities, an elf had ended up gaining a few companions along the way; Now getting into many misadventures as he tries to get back to his normal peaceful life.

Shukotsu Heisagi

- . Male . Stoic


A prince who has run away from his responsibilities from the throne for as long as he can, currently has the attention of a tiefling bard who has somehow won over his heart. Shukotsu is level headed and was one of the main voices of what they would go to do. Soon from one partner to a whole group now travels with him... Their band of misfits keep growing though.


- . Male . Owlbear


A tiefling who is a Druid, he grew up with a lost tribe of other tieflings though there is something about them that is different. The way they speak and how they seclude themselves from most others. Kairon is a self proclaimed Owlbear who is more friendly than his family, ended up joining Shukotsu and Gueshoon on a whim. While most find him a bit weird he is always there to help them out when he can. All that are part of the group are now part of his family too.


12 . Male . Spiteful


An orphan who happened to be caught stealing some food from a bakery! Almost killed by the party, two of the band of misfits have decided to take on the role of raising this child, to help him take control of his powers and to show that not everyone will abandon him.


A realm full of spirits and lost souls, this univers has currently three different districts to speak of, most take place in the city of lost souls. But the other two are a Lost Kingdom and a Forgotten Society. Each one with their own rules and juridstictions, as well as slight different time eras.


23 . Male . Protective


Co-owner of a small cafe called Twin Tail Cafe! He's an angry fox who doesn't trust most due to hunters who were after his pelt and tails. The keaton is slowly learning how to trust others with the help of his husband Zeno.


22 . Male . Extroverted


A small bat who has no time to himself. Living in the city he has a hard time getting by. Having 2-3 jobs at a time to keep up paying on places to sleep until one day he ran into some real trouble almost costing him his life. A detective on the case ended up taking him in, and he now gets to experience a life of luxury, but now with all his free time, he doesn't know what to do with himself.


??? . Male . Arrogant


A bit of a spoiled prince who ends up causing havoc for anyone and everyone he knows. Only one person puts up with his antics which is his personal guard Quincy. Currently he's trying to find a way to have some peaceful alone time with his guard, a childhood friend, but it keeps turning out terribly each time


N/A . Male . Chatterbox


A ruby dragon, lost in what he wants to do, he ended up finding a Dragon of Emerald that caught his attention. He now travels with them despite their protests. He is just the there trying to win over their affections


-- . Female . chaotic


A small wolf pup that ends up getting adopted by two very cool dad foxes. She loves them dearly and would hate to see them unhappy

City of Conquests

The world just coming together and trying to live more in peace with each other. There are still many monsters and humans who hate each other while others wish for them to just make peace already. The war and treaty just built, but it doesn't look like it's going to last that long

Ignitus Ashford

Unknown . Male . Well Maintained


Framed for killing his wife, he was imprisoned for many years. He now owns a bar in a run down town full of ruffians of many kinds and only has business relationships... or most people think. He is one of the few monsters that wanted to co-exist with humans.

Tali Ashford

19 . Male . Hotheaded


Son of Ignitus! He hopes for his dad's death as he is under the impression that Ignitus has killed his mother during the war between the humans and monsters. Currently obsessed with a certain doctor, he's just living his life happily right now.


24 . Male . Care Free


A dispicable fairy, sold to many creatures to be a slave or eaten only to get sent back since his lack of fear and his nonstop talking irritated everyone who has taken him. Found a way to a powerful demon who has taken an intrest in him, and now works for him.


22 . Male . Calm


An ordinary human in a universe filled with more monsters than the latter. Stuck with a small monster named Onii he is now helping investigating cases agains the monsters or humans that terrorize each other.

Sasha Nikolai

22 . Male . Unhinged


Leader of an undiscovered gang, they take jobs of the murderous kind and tend to not like either side of the war that's going on.