Dark Circus

Now known as the month of nightmares, October hasn't been the same since a dark circus made its first appearance. Shrouded in mystery, no one knows where they've come from, what exactly they can do, or why they pull their atrocious acts.  This dark circus becomes the most active during October. Once the month ends, they go into hiding and disappear without a word. However, their heinous crimes are not contained within that one month, it's just that the other crimes are smaller in scale.  Numbers of people are brutally murdered every October. This dark circus opens up their tents and disguises themselves as an innocent haunted circus attraction. Despite the warnings and stories, there are always people who ignore them, don't know about them, or just believe they're some tall tale thrown about in order to make people behave. Because they disregard all the signs, they get roped into their deaths.  The police have made several attempts, each year, to capture them and take them out. Unfortunately, the results are always bad. The circus somehow leaves so little trace to track them down with and because their location constantly changes, it's difficult to pinpoint them.  There are different stories of them, but the main aspect of them that stays true across all of them is that they each possess terrifying abilities that assist them in their murders and crimes. Many believe that they must have come from another world or dimension to possess powers. Who knows? Perhaps they do, regardless, they make it their yearly job to knock the population of several cities, down a few notches.  As October approaches, be careful not to let your guard down. Stay away and be among a crowd of people, lest you be pulled into their evil grasp. Don't get dragged into the tent or the only way you can leave is by dying. A horrible circus that has one entrance and no exits.  That's Cirque des Cauchemars (Circus of Nightmares).