Burial Grounds

The Burial Grounds are a place that many Gems do not even believe that it exists. The Burial Grounds are different from similar places found on earth. Gems do not have bones, as their bodies are made of light. When a Gem is poofed, all that remains is the gemstone. When a Gem is shattered, all that remains are shards. The Gems who live in the Burial Grounds are in charge of collecting the shards and storing them. Some might one day be reformed, others were used to experiment with fusion and Cluster Gems.

Given how there are so many Gems in storage, surely nobody would notice if a few shards go missing here and there…right?

*The Undead Court is considered to be a lesser house of another court, the details are still in the works.

Leader: Zombie Diamond

Resident Gems:

  1. Phantom Jade (was given by Ghost Diamond as a gift)
  2. Gravedigger Aquamarine
  3. Reaper Lapis Lazuli
  4. Pale Peridot
  5. Bloodstone