Reaper Lapis Lazuli



  • Reaper L.Lazuli (Adoptober 16)

Here comes a pretty edgy Lapis : Reaper Lapis Lazuli
Here's some lore (as usual, that can be ignored) :
Known as the Gem Taker, this Gem is the representation of death, taking pieces of stranded gem shards to bring them in her place, where she collects them
Despite her unability to terraform like the other Lapis Lazulis, she has ... other useful powers. One of them being water creature summoning, completed with calcium-filled matter
Her gigantic scythe intimidates most who opposes her, to the point that only White Diamond is known to face her !
At some point, in her past, she hired an Aquamarine who could create lanterns to work with her, digging for some interesting gem shards hidden under debris or the like ...