Silly_Peepers's Bulletins


Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by Silly_Peepers

Adventure Shop

Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by Silly_Peepers

Trading Post

Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by Silly_Peepers

EXP Information

Posted 1 month, 23 days ago by Silly_Peepers

Please refer here for information on how the levels and EXP work! 

When leveling from 0 to 1, you need 5xp. To level from 0 to 5, you'll need a total of 15xp, or 10 if leveling from 1 to 2. The Adventure types are just an example. You can adventure anywhere you want to at any level as long as your Peeper is the minimum level. 

To level to LV.1 needs.. 5xp (1 adventure - easy)

To level to LV.2 needs.. 10xp (2 adventures - easy)

To level to LV.3 needs.. 15xp (3 adventures - easy)

To level to LV.4 needs.. 20xp (4 adventures - easy)

To level to LV.5 needs.. 25xp (5 adventures - easy) (15 Adventures Total)

To level to LV.6 needs.. 30xp (3 adventures - moderate)

To level to LV.7 needs.. 40xp (4 adventures - moderate)

To level to LV.8 needs.. 50xp (5 adventures - moderate)

To level to LV.9 needs.. 60xp (6 adventures - moderate)

To level to LV.10 needs.. 70xp (7 adventures - moderate) (25 Adventures Total)

To level to LV.11 needs.. 90xp  (6 adventures - hard)

To level to LV.12 needs.. 105xp (7 adventures - hard)

To level to LV.13 needs.. 120xp (8 adventures - hard)

To level to LV.14 needs.. 135xp (9 adventures - hard)

To level to LV.15 needs.. 150xp (10 adventures - hard) (40 Adventures Total)

To level to LV.16 needs.. 160xp (8 adventures - very hard)

To level to LV.17 needs.. 180xp (9 adventures - very hard)

To level to LV.18 needs.. 200xp (10 adventures - very hard)

To level to LV.19 needs.. 220xp (11 adventures - very hard)

To level to LV.20 needs.. 240xp (12 adventures - very hard) (50 Adventures Total)

To level to LV.21 needs.. 250xp (10 adventures - mystical)

To level to LV.22 needs.. 275xp (11 adventures - mystical)

To level to LV.23 needs.. 300xp (12 adventures - mystical)

To level to LV.24 needs.. 325xp (13 adventures - mystical)

To level to LV.25 needs.. 350xp (14 adventures - mystical) (60 Adventures Total)

To level to LV.26+ needs.. 350xp each (7 adventures - EXP Dungeon) (This is for every level after 25. No Max Level!)

Adventuring (Closed)

Posted 7 months, 14 days ago by Silly_Peepers

Hello and welcome to adventuring!! Here you can collect items for your inventories, outfits and achievements, little pets, and the occasional new friend!

-- How Adventuring works! --

  • Every day, each of your silly peepers ocs can go on an adventure in any of the locations available to them. Once a day!
  • Your silly peepers will obtain one item and exp per adventure! These items go into their inventory, not anyone else's. 
  • You must post IC (In Character) in order to adventure, trade, or buy. Remember, you aren't the one adventuring, they are!
  • The item your peeper obtains will be randomized! You might obtain something you already have. If so, you can trade it or sell it for Snail Shells!
  • Please respond to the latest adventure post, in character, saying you'd like to go on an adventure! Make sure that the adventure post wasn't made over 24 hours or you haven't already adventured on that day!
  • It is just me rolling so this may not work out perfectly xD

-- How Does EXP work? --

  • Every adventure will reward a specific amount of EXP to go towards leveling.
  • Your Peeper can have an unlimited level, but 25 is the minimum to go to all locations! 
  • You will need to keep track of their EXP
  • You can find more information on the EXP here!

-- How Do Items work? --

  • When your Peepers go on an adventure, they will find an item! These items go into their own personal inventories.
  • There is a set amount of items to be found per location. Once your Peeper has found each item they will get an achievement!
  • There are also item sets, which each have 6 items in it! Once your Peeper finds all 6 items, they will get an achievement here too!
  • Achievements can be redeemed for an Outfit or Cosmetic item that can be used on that Peeper! You can keep your achievement in your Peeper's inventory, as it can only be redeemed once per Peeper! Go to the Outfitter's to redeem your achievements!
  • You can also trade excess items at the Trading Post or sell them at the Adventure Store for Snail Shells. 
  • Remember to stay IC!

-- Locations! --

The Pile of Mysterious Toys - 5xp - Minimum Level: 0

  • You can find... 1 Item and 5xp with a chance to find a new friend!
  • 30 Items to be found
  • 1 Exclusive Peeper
  • 6 Achievements

More Locations coming soon!

-- Special Locations! --

EXP Dungeon - 50xp - Minimum Level: 25

  • You can find... 1 Item and 50xp with a chance to find a new friend!
  • All Items from previous locations can be found here, as well as ?? items exclusive to this location!
  • 1 Exclusive Peeper to be found here!
  • 1 Exclusive Achievement

Pet Shop - ???xp - Minimum Level: ???

  • You can find... 1 Item and ?xp with a chance to find a new friend!
  • ??? Items to be found
  • 1 Exclusive Peeper to be found here!
  • ??? Exclusive Achievement