

Royal Families have existed in Hell since Lucifer arrived and organized Hell. He assigned 6 Random Demons for the Kings Rank and those Demons have passed down the Throne ever since in their Family, fighting with other Demons until they became well respected and earned the Spot as Kings. A few Years after Lucifers Disappearence, the Demons who once meet him and were still alive were considered Royal and "better" than other Demons too, leading to a seperation between Demons into the 6 Royal King Families, other Royal Families and "Normal" Demons. Royal Families usually tend to have an own specific Job they are responsible for like organizing Ceremonies and Events or being consultants to different Kings, each royal Family has their own Job they take care of with responsibility. Going against a Royal as a normal Demon is now considered like suicide, no one would dare to casually fight one of the Royals.

hell male female Royals king Fallen Angel Hell4 Seven deadly sins angel Hell1 guards Hell6 hell6 hunter Soldier General Hell2 shinigami hell3 oddcore