

Soldiers are mostly "Normal" Demons with some exceptions. Most Demons join the Military to improve their Social Status, get a more adventurous life or just join it because they have no other Option, there are enough individual reasons. A Soldiers Task include doing simple Jobs like taking care of the Territories Resources, keeping peace in Hell and make sure the Human Souls don´t loose controll, Battles with Angels, Military Parades, Special Missions in the Human World etc., there´s always something to do for a Soldier. They can only become a Soldier in the Territory and under the King they live in. In order to become a Soldier the Demons have to go through a long and hard Demon Soldier School and their Training doesn´t stop there, once they joined a Legion they are requirexd to train most of their Time.

hell male female Royals Fallen Angel king angel Hell1 guards Hell6 hell6 Hell4 Seven deadly sins Soldier General Hell2 hunter Fallen Demon naruto human archangel ninja Slave rp dreamcore general main weirdcore shinigami hell3 oddcore