SilverKnight's Bulletins

Cheruby (timed) MYO event

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by SilverKnight

So ok this species actually looks really cool? And I'm weak for fluffy tails and hooves...

Popun MYO event!

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by SilverKnight

Y'all this species is having the anniversary MYO event, go grab one!

EO on all characters

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by SilverKnight



If your character is a personal oc or a dream design how tf can you even consider rehoming them??

I swear people see ocs as only trading cards nowadays

Please, get off your high horse

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago by SilverKnight

Why is it that as soon as people get their hands on something "popular" or highly valued they start acting like they're royalty? While before they didn't, at all?

You have a myo slot / character from a popular species, you're not special, calm down. 

Please people, just. Stay humble. Having something highly valued doesn't make you any better than anyone else, and it's not something you should be showing off to make others feel bad or jealous.

This is the reason I stay the fuck out of the communities and just develop my OCs with friends, most of the time when I see people like this they just make me want to fuckin leave.

(This is not directed towards anyone - it's just my thoughts and vents after months of trading with various people, and noticing how their behavior changed as soon as they got popular things. Also, if I ever do act the way I described above, I beg you to tell me. I don't want to make anyone feel bad, ever)


Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by SilverKnight

Stop buying characters or myo slots if all you're gonna do with them is fodder them off for something else :)

Sincerely, someone really pissed off with the popular CS community as a whole :)


Since I'd rather focus on the characters I have proper use for, and commission art of them, it's time to let go of some others. Some for sale, some for trade / art!

All characters listed can be found here 

You may comment here or on the thread! Either is fine.


Posted 2 years, 10 months ago by SilverKnight

I hate this community so much it's borderline becoming a problem, with:

> the way people treat their characters as trade fodder

> how they will entertain offers on them because "they want to see what's out there" when in reality they just want to feel validated by watching people try to sell their soul for a character they'd love to have.

I can't wait to just leave this fuckin server and ignore the majority of the community. Most of yall don't deserve the characters you have.

Just. EW.

Ok but why

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by SilverKnight

Why are people spamming grug in the hot and listings 

I swear it's getting impossible to browse anything on this website without finding either grug or a "fav if i can draw your characters!!" things.

I hate both and I'm about to scream in a pillow