Please, get off your high horse

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by SilverKnight

Why is it that as soon as people get their hands on something "popular" or highly valued they start acting like they're royalty? While before they didn't, at all?

You have a myo slot / character from a popular species, you're not special, calm down. 

Please people, just. Stay humble. Having something highly valued doesn't make you any better than anyone else, and it's not something you should be showing off to make others feel bad or jealous.

This is the reason I stay the fuck out of the communities and just develop my OCs with friends, most of the time when I see people like this they just make me want to fuckin leave.

(This is not directed towards anyone - it's just my thoughts and vents after months of trading with various people, and noticing how their behavior changed as soon as they got popular things. Also, if I ever do act the way I described above, I beg you to tell me. I don't want to make anyone feel bad, ever)


Bruh, This! Say it louder for the people in back lmao. I never understood the people who do this. 

Along with the people who only buy popular species/artist adopts just for trade fodder; super annoying and gross imo 🙃

Agreed... if I want something for fodder, I try to be as transparent as possible with the other person, and even then it's strictly a trade. I'm not gonna spend money on something I have no attachment to whatsoever.

It takes away from the community, and people who do this just feel like scammers at a certain point

Yeah, for real ; v; 

It's just so frustrating watchin' people try and win designs via auction, and the same handful of people AB them just to trade 'em later 🙃 Like, let other people have a chance at being in the community. 

I won't spend real monies on somethin' I don't think I'd like/use either; especially with super popular species; those can be pretty pricy :'v 

As someone who owns a couple popu-species characters already, I really don't understand why people think they're better than someone the moment they get something that's a bit harder to get. Like you said, it doesn't make you special??

Glad someone is saying it because gosh, I know the feeling.

I'm also someone who has several characters from popular species or designers, but I absolutely hate thinking of bragging about it to make others feel jealous. I have them because I love their designs and lore behind them, and because I wanted to build up something with them. Not to keep them as a trophy or cool kid badge. -_-

Yes, exactly!!

Just to name an instance, I'm about to obtain my first CCCat and Scarfox. Both are designed by talented friends of mine, which is the reason I know I'll love them. Plus story building I can do with them! It's supposed to be in good fun, but then there's those that wave them around just to take the piss out of someone and it just becomes... less fun.