Tiny Horses

Tiny Horses

Tiny horses are miniature horses typically between one and two inches tall. Unlike regular-sized horses, mares can produce anywhere from three to eight (or more) foals per "litter". There are four strains of tinies: regular, genetically-enhanced (tinies that display unusual colors and markings), magical (tinies that display unnatural colors and markings, and have additional characteristics unique to when and where they were found), and holiday (tinies that have holiday-themed characteristics unique to when they were found). Of the regular tiny horse types, there are fourteen known breeds that are named after and resemble various regular-sized horse breeds: standard, thoroughbred, draft, curly, Shetland, Frisian, Fjord, Arabian, Przewalski, Andalusian, forest, walker, Marwari, and Akhal-Teke.