Ligma ballz

A collection of stories I'm writing and non fandom characters. It's pretty empty right now because I'm obviously still working on most of these guys but it'll come out one day I promise.

It's on sight Asagiri

Originally made to fit in with the main cast but at this point the plot is so seperated from the canon one I hardly consider it relevant. Most of the characters are based on American or British authors since those are the types of books I usually read. "Oh but isn't Joyce an Irish author?" Yes. He is. That's why I said MOST.

How did Frollo get bitches?

I have like, only two of these guys but I love them so much they're literally so fucking funny man. Also respects to Cameron Boyce.

Global warming? I can't think of a punchline

The two guys I have right now are based off the poles which I KNOW some of you will be like, "Uhmm actchually Hetalia is the personification of COUNTRIES so you can't do that." and I'll point over to the multiple things Himaruya has personified that aren't countries or even geographical things. I DO plan to make some micronations at some point so get ready for those.

Why would you WANT to be human

Another case of me making ocs for a series only for them to become so seperated from the canon plot that it's not even relevant anymore.

So... He's just Jesus with a gun? Swag

These are my most popular ocs for whatever reason. Not much to say here because it's pretty cut and dry. Murder hobo, Canadian, and a dead guy.

That's what they're called

I am mentally ill. I create OCs for every single one of these games I play that allows a custom chef. There's yaoi, yuri, weed, everything you could want.


If you couldn't tell from my profile I'm a HUGE Paralive fan. I've made two groups and right now I'm focusing on developing them more. I MIGHT make music for them if I ever get the chance but don't bet on it.

Love this rhythm game

I dragged too many people into this game and now I'm trapped please send help they won't let me escape PLEA-

Yuri? Yaoi? Why not both!!

My BIGGEST project to date. This folder includes both my normal TWST OCs that follow the canon storyline and my Future AU OCs who have their own MASSIVE story that I've procrastinated writing for a few years now. This fandom is never getting rid of me...

De winnerrrrrr

Fandoms I only have one OC for will go here because I think making a folder for just one character is stupid.