Mixed Star Bag

The #MixedBag for characters of rps with Stellatiria <3

Male My Design Female W-Aequijus W-Kemrah No new Art please Adopted or Gifted Megane tbe Open for Asks Empty Profile L FFXIV Short Description Xitan W-Raikym Ylterian SVFW SP-HB Looking for Art AF18 Open for Scenarios S-Toxic Trio W-Lleyn RP used S-NLOS-OLNS XP RP-Ship RP Seriat Academy S-Scherben SP-Njelainis S--RESET- Rehmiel Open for Trade-Sale CS VERILIA -ju- S-Travelling S-To the Limit ZS E.W.E. Holy Grail Order of Raeki DnD Ancient SP-World Patron SP-Serev SP-Leviesdra Ylterian Elite Hyur RP-SOTN SP-Vampire Elezen S-E N I G M A Ideas needed Diabolicus W-Alsont Nameless YP S-Asche S-Bittersweet SP-Viiloika High Council Diab W-Jiesben S-5L W-Zanre Warlock re Arjemia S-The Origin P RP-Mafia Gang World Thing SP-Sirahlika LH S-FdS-RB Rule of Three Marie Relxion complete profile Resell Line Heart W-Nevien -SWITCH- Text WIP Birdfolk Bard W-Lydian Vi approved uwu KatheRead SP-Human Natsubaki shsl Demon Paladin Wolke Mafia Hrothgar RP-Scandisasters XERSIUS Agender Human Hound3 pokemon FARNUL Rogue Moon elf Sylph Aura RP Used natsubaki open for trade-sale Full Design Missing Picrew Sorcerer ABDE W-Auriun Tabaxi Lizardfolk Cleric Bardlock Mystel S-Estherland BluC super old RP-School Halls with Traps Viera Aetherborn Complete Profile Up for Trade Sale Kalashtar Genasi Zone 169D Gray Street nuxu Yuan-Ti No Design jeneko The Chronicles S-SPADE Yoniko Loporrit