Final Game

Main 7 OCs

World Synopsis: Casselia, Aidan, Nolene, Varoin, Elorea, Kakkin, and Fion are from a planet of a different  dimension called Anateresia. On this planet are 7 kingdoms/realms representing 7 elements (fire,  water, earth, air, electricity, dark, and light). The geographic landscape  of this planet is quite fantasy like with topography which matches the  according nations element. Each nation's people specializes not only in  magic according to their nation's element, but in skills which their  elements can assist in. For example fire users can spew fire, so they  make great blacksmiths. Additionally, different citizens of different  nations can be told apart based on the type of wings they posses. Each nation has a royal family and a deity God which presides over it. These deities may take the form of a human or animal.

HistoryLong ago, there were seven powerful beings of magic who represented the seven different elements of fire, water, earth, air, electricity, light, and darkness. Having grown tired of wandering the stars, the seven decided to create a new world which they could rule. Using their immense power and seven great weapons crafted from the dust of solar systems long past, the seven created a new planet using seven stars they collected from nearby galaxies. Each star represented a different energy and created a new realm within the world.

After the creation of their new planet, the magic beings decided to split the realms equally among themselves--each given an equal share. However, the Deity of Darkness felt cheated. He believed he deserved more power and a greater portion of the realms than the other six as he worked harder than the others in the world's creation. His heart became filled with evil and hate. Using forbidden magic and being the most powerful of the seven, the Dark Deity attempted to overthrow the other six. Banding together, the Gods of Light, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Electricity were able to disarm the Dark Deity's weapon and seal him into the world's core where he still lays.      

As time went on, the other six Gods began creating all sorts of new and intricate life within their realms. From underwater creatures to dragons in the sky, all were made with the powerful magic of the seven stars. Nevertheless, something was still missing from their beautiful world. It was then the Gods had an idea. With their great weapons they each cut a portion of their magic away and used the remnants of the Dark Deity's lingering magic aura to create a new being known as man. All was right and complete in the world. 

Although the Gods loved all their children, by far, they favored man the most and grew to love them as more than children. As some of the Gods fell in love with man, they began to make new life--giving birth to demigods. Everything seemed well and good, until the deities realized that there was something wrong with their new children. Having such powerful magic, many demi-gods went mad as they grew into adulthood--becoming rampant with blood thirst and losing all reason. The demigods were more powerful than any other living being in Anatersia and the world was torn with slaughter and chaos. Finally, after seeing so much destruction, the six, with a heavy heart, decided they had to destroy what they created. Using the seven great weapons they eradicated all the demigods; but, at a great price. The great weapons were not created to kill life, but protect it and thus the Gods were cursed. Now, if they stayed too long in the world of men all life would perish around them. Unable to stay and too painful to be close, the Gods built a wall between the world and the heavens--vanishing from the world save the few temples and weapons they left behind. 

Prelude Story: While making their new world, the seven Gods did not realize they had made a mistake and the vitality of the stars  they used were gradually disappearing without their magic to recharge them. As the stars began to lose their power, fluctuations in magic energy caused disaster in its wake. Having been hit the worst by these disasters, famine and disease reached new heights in the Dark Kingdom, and the royal family of the realm had no choice but to seek help from outside sources. However, due to the Dark Deity's betrayal of the six, the Dark Kingdom's people (who were descended from his magic) were turned away and discriminated by most.  To make things worst, the king himself fell ill with plague. In an act of desperation, Queen Silvia, went to beg the nation with the greatest abundance of resources for assistance--the Light Kingdom. But, the king of this nation was greedy and cruel--believing people of the Light Realm were higher beings than all others. Thus, when he found the beautiful queen to his fancy, instead of helping the Dark Kingdom in its time of need, he raped and killed her--hanging her brutalized corpse on the highest tower of his castle for all to see.

Enraged and pained by the loss of his love, the king of the Dark Kingdom declared war on the Light. A war that would encompass the entire world. The Great War lasted three years, but with an already weakened realm, the Dark Kingdom could not continue their campaign. They lost the war, and with it their home land and many loved ones. With his realm in shambles and people scattered, the Dark King had only one choice to protect his last surviving heir. Using strong and ancient teleportation magic the King of the Dark Kingdom sent a few select children to a new dimension known as Earth.

Main Story: 15 years after the Great War, magic fluctuations had reached a new height. Villages and cities were crumbling away like dust and life was leaving the world. Just as all hope seemed lost, the Light King's most trusted advisor uncovered an ancient scroll--telling of a legend of Seven Great Weapons. The weapons were powerful, and any who possessed all seven could either bring great prosperity or destruction to the world. In his greed, the Light King wished to posses all seven powerful weapons, but with only the knowledge each weapon laid in a temple in each realm, the Light King could not fulfill his desire. Regardless, the king was cunning, and he devised a plan to hold a contest among the 6 remaining realms. Each nation was to form a chosen team of seven and to retrieve the weapons in the ancient temples. The other realms, unknowing of the actual importance and power of these objects agreed to the game as the Light King promised great wealth to whichever realm could bring him the most weapons.  

On the island of Tartus, exists the most diverse population of people in Anatersia. People of all nations converge on this island--giving it a cultural richness unlike any other land. Additionally, the people here are not ruled by a king or queen like the other realms, but instead an elected president voted by the people. Being invited to take part in the contest as a replacement for the destroyed Dark Nation, the president decides to build a team of seven using one warrior of each realm--believing the diversity of the team will make it strong. With very few dark elemental magic users left, the president sends a team of his best warriors to another dimension to retrieve a powerful dark magic user that was sent there long ago. Only problem is, she doesn't know where she comes from. Let alone who she truly is.