Skeletta's Profile Comments

Happy birthday, dear! Mine was the 25th XD 

Thank you ! <3

*flops into a puddle in your front page*

*debates on getting a mop* o.O

Ohhh you found it! Haha I have this turn off from the main view since it isn't really that pretty to look at!

Oh hah. Don't worry. it's not on your front page. I clicked on the comment link!

Hehe glad you was able to figure that out. ;) I don't mind comments just it seems, not many folks make use of it here on TH. o.O

Oh hi! :3

How are you dearie? =3

Good! Trying to start posting all of my stuff here - finally. It's a long process though. Especially with pieces I've commissioned or received as gifts. Sometimes I was a derp and didn't write the artist down, and I don't want to post it without knowing them. So trying to reverse image search.. and finding art thieves. ugh.

I have horrible luck with image search but I don't see the harm on you still posting it. You can state you don't remember but would love to credit if it becomes known. Who knows? Maybe one of your followers would recognize it and help ya out on that. Ah that sucks. Sorry to hear that! I hope you are reporting and such!

welcome ;)

Why thank you dearie! *glomps* Now to get used to how this place works and start adding stuff~! :la: Icon.. first need an icon. I assume it's the standard 50x50 size yes? ^^;

Edit //... or maybe not. Now I see yours looks bigger on this page. LOL. Oh gee.. O_o

Hehe :3 Yeah it's kind of confusing at times but yeah :D


and I don't think so... my icon's original size is 100

I will try that then for mine. Just gotta pick what I want to use for it until I make a new one special for here. *w* And LOL I did huh? Wasn't even aware. LOL Goes to show how long I've been on DA. >.>;