
WTA(Write To Adopt)/DTA(Draw To Adopt): write or draw art of these characters in order to adopt them.

This isn't a competition, it's FCFS (First Come First Served).

» If you choose to DTA :

Please post a viable link to the art in the character's comments, so others know you have already claimed them.

Minimum requirement: must be at least a coloured headshot sketch. Feel free to alter the character's appearance/colours.

» If you choose to WTA :

Please post your writing in the character's comments.

Minimum requirement : at least 5 sentences about the character. It can be anything you want (eg : what you'll do with them, a backstory, a description of character traits, etc.).

feral humanoid LF art needs new ref needs human form has no art adult anthro fan chara kemonomimi adoptable sale for sale adopt usd ufo edit kit cute for offer