Sleepy-Thunder's Bulletins

My DA for Adopts and Other Things

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago by Sleepy-Thunder

Friendly reminder that I make and sell outfits (with some other random adopt ideas) over on DA. Not too many people know about it since I keep it over there.

Here's the latest batch from last night; based on medical sci-fi.

medical_outfits___3_3_open__18_1800_pts_Link to Outfits

Here is my DA link!

I appreciate anyone who stops by. Ever since Covid started, my sales really went down for obvious reasons. If you know anyone who needs an outfit, recommend me! I also do customs and not only for feminine bodies.

Something would be done on something like this (and this) for masculine body types.

I wanted to make a bulletin to help advertise for a friend of mine as they deserve more love. Their work has improved boat loads from the last time they drew for me and have nicely priced commissions!

Helena_Inclusar can be found on TH and DA.

Here are the prices/examples with appropriate links.


 Toyhouse link
 DA link.

If you have the extra money, they're worth the time. <3

Happy Birthday To Me

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Sleepy-Thunder


On this wretched day, I am indeed one year older. My body has now accumulated 26 years of pain.


Lmao thanks for all the friends I've made here along the way. This site can be an awful mess but I've had some amazing interactions and would like to think I had an impact on a few people. Even though Covid kicked any budget for any b-day spending, I am happy to be alive and well on this April 4th. <3

Edit: Everyone's gonna get a dumb ass reaction gif because I said so.

New Comm Info

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago by Sleepy-Thunder

I recently went through and made a whole thing for comms so it's a lot prettier and easier on the eyes. ^^'

You can see it here.

The examples aren't suuuuper up to date but I'll just have to fix it as I go. Comms ARE open right now if anyone's interested.
I'm laid back with nothing on my plate but I'm not hurting for th extra money.

Mostly wanting to show off my new site thing lmao, joining all the kids.

Thanks for stopping by. <3

Winter Storm

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago by Sleepy-Thunder

I live in Texas and it's below zero where I am. This has never happened where I live EVER. We have a foot of snow and I've never seen more a splattering on the ground and only seen snow three times in my life and one was a trip to New York.

Albeit magical, things may get a little annoying or a tad scary if our power stays out. Everything is closed where I live; from stores to gas stations. The police had to come and take my sister home from work because everyone was stuck at the plant they work at (she's a security guard) and the power was out, leaving them no heat or help. She literally walked three hours to work last night to provide support and is out of work for the rest of the week.

So if I disappear, am late to answering your messages- my power is most likely out.


To anyone else also in my position. Stay safe!
Don't be stupid and drive when unecessary. Our cars aren't equipped for snow.


Posted 3 years, 10 months ago by Sleepy-Thunder

Dappvolk folks! Dearest friend, Luparoca hath granted me the knowledge of this adorable pet site. I would love it if you used my referral code and joined. Gives us both extra stuff. ^^

Beware: ShadowWurm

Posted 4 years, 9 months ago by Sleepy-Thunder

Do NOT message this user on my behalf or relay them information to continue the salt train please. 

In all my time here on Toyhouse, I have never come across a more toxic person during my interactions with ShadowWurm. I'm making this a private matter on my profile to the people that subscribe to me because it definitley doesn't deserve a PSA. 

They contacted me attempting to buy a design from in short and I replied a day later after they sent a second curt message entitled "Uhm" where they were irritated I hadn't answered already. I explained that I was busy and then told them where to send the money. I didn't recieve a response. I later saw a thread where they were looking for certain designs. I offered a design for free along with the one they were going to purchase with me and they only said, "Didn't click with me" which kind of left me in the dark about whether or not they were going to buy the original design. I asked if they were going to buy the design or back out out then I recieved a message that said I was attempting to publicallly force them into buying the design and that they were waiting until they were getting paid to pay for it along with two other designs on my secondary account. It said that I was rude and what I did was completely uncalled for and I just ???????????????????????????

I replied back that it wasn't my intention but I should have been notified of any attempts to pay at a later date and them getting irritated about me wanting a reply when they were so impatient was hypocritical. I told them that their message sounded rude to me initially but I decided to handle business maturely. They replied back with the fact that they're old enough to be my mother and that I spew bullshit. 

I can't show any discussions because I've been blocked but any who know me know that I'm an honest and patient person. I just want the others who may deal in the trading and selling of adopts to know about them and just be cautious when dealing with them. I've blocked them as well and would like to know how to IP block because I don't need that kind of stuff in my life right now. If anyone could help me with that, it would be much appreciated!

Edit: For others interested in IP blocking, you can only find it after blocking them and then going back to edit the block. It will only show up then. It's explained here