Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

General Warnings Please do not message me or comment to be notified on trading or selling any of my babies. If you do message me be prepared to be met with one warning and then blocked. I tend to forever home the characters I buy. 1. I will update the character and it will notify anyone following the account. 2. I will do trades, only cash sales on For Sale or Picky folder. Rules Do not steal, copy, heavy referencing, and color picking any of my characters nor copy/steal any lore. You do not have permission to include any of my characters into your characters’ stories or commission without asking me. (Mutuals as well). I ask that you do not comment on a character for any reason and send me a PM instead if you have any questions about specific character(s) By clicking “I Agree”, you have agreed to the rules that are stated

Please note your consent will be stored in cookies until your session is closed.

No thanks!