SleepyMoonstone's Profile Comments

Is there anyone in these folders that interests you for Ioreon and Marshcario? I'm willing to do multiple trades if necessary.

Fair warning that I have a lot of ocs to look through.

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Absolutely! Feel free to make any changes you'd like ^^

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For sure!

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Doesn't look like it! I've had issues with not getting requests on discord before... What's yours so I can send one to you? 

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Sent ^^

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Thanks so much! Yours are wonderful as well, and that's an adorable idea! I'm certainly happy with suggestions if you've got ideas ^^

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Absolutely, that sounds adorable ^^

hello!! sorry to bother, I was curious if you do pings? :o

Hey there, I don't actually know what that is!

a ping is like @ ing me if you put a specific character of yours up for offers!!

Oh yeah, for sure! I'm actually tentatively taking offers on Nova now ^^

actually, I was gonna ask if I could be pinged for and Blue :0

Oh yeah, I'd actually be happy to look at offers on either one of them ^^

4 Replies