Smitukey's Bulletins

Adopt TOS

Posted 3 months, 2 days ago by Smitukey

Prices are for personal use only; no commercial use allowed. You may not profit from the art, sell prints or products, etc. You can make prints for personal use. You may resize or crop the artwork to create icons, wallpapers, or other graphics to be used in non-commercial digital format, but you cannot alter the artwork itself. I will allow small personal edits on your end such as jewelry, accessories, tattoos, etc.

By purchasing an adopt, you are purchasing my artist labor and a digital copy of your commissioned artwork. I retain all the rights to my work, which include but are not limited to the right to distribute, reproduce, copy and/or use the image as a sample for sales or self promotion. My work is NEVER to be used in any blockchain-related technology, to include NFTs, cryptocurrency, or future inventions in the space. Adopts can be regifted or traded but NOT re-sold.

You are welcome to upload you commission to social media, as long as you give me (Smitukey) credit for the work. I reserve the right to refuse any buyers at any time.

Payment is due upfront for ALL adopts. Paid in full. I accept Paypal, venmo, and cashapp.