Snow-Bunnii's Profile Comments

hey honey, do you have comms open atm??

Hello, yes! How can I help ya? ;3

i wanted to see how much it would be for two characters drawing in the wind waker style that you are able to do? :>

somewhat depends on amount of details! also if you want full-bod or half or if you want a bg or not!

half body, and maybe a simple background? o:

okay! can I see which characters and describe what sort of bg? then I can quote after that!

27 Replies

im eating up the fact that stray siren's art style looks so similar to wind waker!! its super duper cute and i can't wait to see some of your art in that style and more!! <33

yes they started out as Wind Waker OCs originally, which is why that style is used especially in older works! :3 Thank you so much for checking my stuff out! <33

yvvvvw!! i think it suits em period, and im really digging it! keep up the amazing work~!

Ahh thanks bunches!! keep up the work on your cute characters too! :D

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; thank you thank you!! that's super sweet of you to say!!! <333

(hey if you are up for it, i would def wanna art trade with you sometime :''D)

aw well sure! at the moment I'm very busy for the next few months, but I would defnintely be happy to sometime! :3

2 Replies

UwU Show me dem fish bbs

I shall upload them pretty soon! :D Just learning how the site works, haha!