Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:



My content is aimed at a 16+ audience.

Despite my content being colorful and cute in nature, I do not want people under the age of 16 to view, let alone consume my content as it may contain mature themes that some may not understand or may be too much for people to handle.
Please understand my content may contain themes of abusive, or otherwise problematic ideologies or personalities, those of which I do not support, but have dealt with either due to family, friends, or other means of socialization. Some characters may be direct, or indirect representations of said ideologies/personalities as a way to cope from past abuse or situations.
I am in no way of support of these things. Do not assume I support these things. These are used as means of coping.
I cannot entirely prevent those >16 to view my content, but by adding a content warning, I hope to stir away younger audiences. If you are under 16 and proceed forward, I have warned you. I do not feel like I owe you anything because you ignored my warnings.

I have all rights to block someone without notice if they make me uncomfortable. Do not harass me if you got blocked without warning.
(me interacting with you does not equal favoriting/commenting on characters if i'm entering a raffle.)

Profile content warn + rules

  • I don’t censor nips or tits, honestly that shit shouldn’t even be over sexualized it’s kinda weird
  • I reclaim slurs im able to use, if you dont like that then shit ig thats a you problem 
  • Do not steal, copy, colorpick, kin, simp, put into any ‘dreamies’ folder, trace, reference, repost, etc. my Characters and/or art unless i know you directly/we have talked on a friend level before. If we interacted once from adopts/commissions that does not count. 
  • Do not use any of my characters for roleplays or faceclaims.
  • Do not offer for any characters out of the offers folder (UNLESS PRIVATELY SPECIFIED.) 
  • Don't offer me designs by people on my blacklist. I do not wish to be associated with them or their drama. (besides lupisvulpes,, lmfao)
  • Don't ask to be on a pinglist, i dont know how those work nor will i even remember who wants to be pinged for what.
  • Dont draw NSFW or anything offensive with my designs and/or characters. if for some reason you decide to do this you're getting IP blocked. im a minor, i dont understand NSFW topics entirely, and honestly thats just weird of you to do in the first place
  • dont resell my designs for more than they were actually worth/without adding any sort of art to them. if you got them for free give them away for free. etc. 

  •  Basic DNI criteria, homo/transphobes, anti-neo/xenopronouns, xenophobes, zoophiles/“zoosexuals”/“anatomically correct” or feral NSFW artists, pedophiles/“maps”/“nomaps”, racists, sexists, ableists, neo-nazis, necrophiles & people who draw/indulge in snuff content (gore nsfw, nsfw of decomposed corpses, etc), anyone who indulges in real life gore
  • Anyone for whatever reason who has their profile filled with political propaganda
  • Full on NSFW accounts, idm if you draw NSFW or happen to have any on your prof, but if your account is specifically for NSFW related reasons, do not interact.
  • DSMP stans or anyone who supports problematic people in DSMP
  • Hardcore religious people. idm if you're religious, but if you force your religion onto other people and/or make it your whole personality, DNI.
  • If you are a minor IRL and publicly state you are a adult, regardless if you are or aren’t using it to get into adult spaces (aka you are <18 but state you're 18+) 
Public blacklist

I do not block without reason. Anyone on this blacklist I have either previously interacted with and have a valid reason as to why theyre blacklisted (such as LITERAL CRIMES [theft, paraphilias, stalking, etc. REAL LITERAL FELONIES] I do not blacklist for petty drama), or they're people on Toyhouse who have unmarked mature content.
I reserve all rights to blacklist people for not properly marking 18+ content as i am a minor, a majority of my friends are minors, and this site contains minors. I only have good intentions when blacklisting these people.

- Pandacloudii - stalker
- Nekozuna - groomer
- Noahtho2003 - MY groomer
- SolarrSkii/Kokawaii/c0smicadopts (their user changes frequently) - species & character theft

- TootyFruityBooty - unmarked nsfw + fetish content
- Kriegsvampir - unmarked nsfw + posting barely censored nsfw when they were a minor
- LilithLoveLight - unmarked nsfw + owns feral nsfw characters
- Doxtronaut - unmarked nsfw

- _GHIL-x - posting uncensored nsfw as a minor (16)

- IN GENERAL anyone i have blocked on my profile, usually all zoos/pedos/proships or have unmarked nsfw art/strictly nsfw accounts that arent marked as mature. Please ask for my blocklist if you need it.

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No thanks!