
As you take your final steps toward the top of the mountain, you're faced with a breathtaking, sprawling valley filled to the brim with unfamiliar-looking coniferous trees. You spot a road sign and read the names listed on each of the pointed planks.

At the end of a fairly straight-forward path to your left, you recognize the large city of Grimmor. You can almost see each of the city's districts segregated by the larger main roads. It seems quite lively this time of day.

You look toward the next path, this one straight in front of you, leading down a winding path into a dense valley of trees. You've heard rumors of primitive beasts prowling the lands, masters of nature and fierce protectors. You don't exactly believe the rumors - That is, until you hear the low, guttural call of one of the creatures. The sound of it sends a small shiver down your spine.

You glance toward the road to your right but almost immediately shut down the curious little voice in your head telling you to wander that way. Wicked-looking Cypress Willows block the view to whatever awaits you within the trees. The reaching vines sway in the cool breeze, seeming to beckon you to enter the shadows and find out just what lurks in the darkness. A sense of unease settles in the pit of your stomach as you think you see a pair of glowing eyes peer out at you for a split second before disappearing again.

Which path do you take?
