Some_Weirdo's Bulletins

What?? How??

Posted 22 days, 10 hours ago by Some_Weirdo

Ok so a few weeks ago I found and fell in love with an online store but now I’ve befriended the owner and now somehow they agreed to send bonus gifts with orders (I didn’t mean to do this they offered after I said something as a joke and i said they didn’t have to but they wanted to) since when am a good person to talk to

I finally got an actual pfp

Posted 1 month, 1 day ago by Some_Weirdo

Bonus poll who would’ve been better

0 Votes Azazi’il “borrowed” style (this current one)
0 Votes Aputsiak

I did like a design swap with him and someone else (I mainly wanted to do fan art but I felt like this would be better) and he just looks better then I expected so here he is (also if you’re curious the other person was lulu (roaches) (if you know who im talking about then I like you) also I don’t know if I succeeded in coping design but I like how it turned out (yes this was more important than working on my own styl) (also is it bad that I think this version is kind of cute/adorable I mean just look at him)

New name

Posted 3 months, 29 days ago by Some_Weirdo

Even though I only occasionally check this I just felt like this name fits me better for now 

Quick question

Posted 4 months, 5 days ago by Some_Weirdo

I’m just curious if I came back would anyone realize (if you see this please say a quick hello)

Please help with new name

Posted 11 months, 22 days ago by Some_Weirdo

i don’t have a clue on what to change my name to now any ideas or places to start with and the tbn if anyone can help with that also it’ll be appreciated also but the first I prefer more currently 

YouTube videos I have got recommended

Posted 11 months, 25 days ago by Some_Weirdo

Usually talked with gay 

Trust me I don’t know why I got this recommended it


I don’t know how to explain myself but it’s not what it looks like (nsfw talk)

Nut room

Also won’t expand on

🍵(yes it is a link)

I agree


Me laugh at



Mother land

Yes or no depends 

Some nsfw talk


I’ve never watched what this is about

Ok not a video but you know those online gay test I just got one which is a lesbian test and I’m pretty sure I have my gender as man so I might be a lesbian man according to YouTube ads

should I do this again but with my strange music taste

Hey look at this

Posted 11 months, 27 days ago by Some_Weirdo  (I’m fine with or without I just felt like might as well but feel free to skip me)

Random opinions

Posted 1 year, 6 days ago by Some_Weirdo

Let’s see if any of y’all agree with any of these 

1. Clothing sizes should be the same for all genders for simplicity since with shoes a L10 is like a 8M just it would be a lot simpler with a base system of clothing measurements 

2. At least for women’s sports trans women should have to do hormone therapy for a certain amount of time before participating in competitions this is only since biological males are usually stronger then females it’s just naturally like that so with this it just makes it mor fair and to prevent the possibility of a man identifying as trans just to gain an edge

That’s all I can think of currently all that I thought of mowing the yard that doesn’t have anything to do with the opinions but hey fun fact and I deleted one opinion  since it wasn’t that good

I’ve done it

Posted 1 year, 22 days ago by Some_Weirdo

At the moment I would say I’m  Agnoromantic and Alicosexual which can mean someone that knows they’re on the aro or ace spectrum but don’t know where and I’m probably mixed with hetero flexible 

The strange one in the family

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago by Some_Weirdo

So before i say anything im just going to be using lgbtq-phobic when all I know for sure is homophobic and transphobic out of simplicity and inferring but let’s get to what the strange thing is my stepdad, dad,  I pretty sure my brother, and probably my mother (i don’t know about my sister and my other brother is to young) are all lgbtq-phobic but im over here with one of my better friends being trans, identifying as lgbtq since aro and ace falls under it, lying about trans being in my school and going along with them out of anxiety (i think I’m not sure), and acting different around them then with friends by a good amount (but who doesn’t at least act a bit different when near family) why did I make this bulletin i don’t have a good reason just felt like it and don’t have much else to share so anyone want to talk about anything or have anything i could draw for fun