

These are all my own stories that are either: going to be published, games, or just personal non-commercial works.(Usually if the story is for commercial use it'll say n.n) I work on these more often so questions regarding these are more than welcome!



An Original story that is currently under major development. Many of the character's bios can be changed at any given time due to the story progress/ideas. Commercial


De la Noche:

A story about love between a Princess and her knight. Currently being written with the intent on being published!Commercial



A PERSONAL story made to mock typical rom-com light novels. Currently just in the "planning" stage.



A story including 7 sins, 6 Peacekeepers, and 8 Villains. Currently in the "planning" stage but with an intent on becoming an RPG. Commercial


If you are a designer and see your designs in a Commercial-use enviornment and don't want them commercially used, please DM me in a polite manner ;u; I will gladly respect your wishes!
(The "K" tag are designers that have allowed commercial use of their designs or are my own designs)
Mind you, most designs are "Placeholders" until I can either make/buy a design or I am waiting for approval/rejection. So only the "K" tag are set to be used!

C Female Male Adult RP E.O Driftling X Sona Ask CS Messenger Minor Sis female driftling Among Us Non-Binary Son