Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

Please read me

I am an ADULT artist whos hobby happens to be worldbuilding, roleplay and character creation. Sometimes, my art may contain adult themes that are not suitable for anyone under 18. Themes such as Sex, Drugs, Mature Topics, Experimental Gore, etc etc. These images are locked behind authorization, but sometimes I may miss a permission or a setting when uploading.

I am not responsible for anything you may view on my profile, characters or worlds. I build them for me, and a select few others who are interested. If you do not like it, block, and move on. Id much rather be blocked shamelessly than to be told off for something you have been warned about.

Do not
  • Steal, Kin or Roleplay my characters.
  • Put my characters in 'Dreamie' collections.
    (Exception being made-to-adopt or those within my sales folder)
  • Ask, Beg or Bribe for any character not within' my sales folder.
  • Beg or otherwise demand to view my mature/hidden content. I have no way of verifying your age, and I only allow close friends to view such things if they wish.
General Warnings
  • Sometimes my characters may be slipped under an authorization only viewing. This is set as my default to avoid accidentally posting something without setting up authorization. If I have bought an adopt from you, and you cannot find it, it probably got slipped in an authorization only section on accident or by intention. Do not be afraid to ask me to change this or authorize you if you are not okay with this.
  • Uploads are often not on a per-image as they are created basis, and I frequently do mass uploads of characters and content. If you do not like being spammed please uncheck 'images' when subscribing.
  • General DNI list. None of that nasty shit.
  • My profile is LGBTQIA+ friendly, I use Neopronouns for my characters, alot of them are NSFW and in more than just vanilla. This is an inclusive profile. Fuck off otherwise.

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