

The series follows the misadventure of a young girl with her fellow partners, a cursed monster ghost and a warbot. They travel across the galaxy trying to achieve fame and glory as they break through the hardship and madness the universe will bring upon them

scifi dystopian Adventure Horror+mystic Action

Circus Dream Freaks

A race for dream in between good and evil. A world where monsters and human live in different dimension. Under the order of their monster king, the circus dream freaks try to bring a cure for the kids' nightmares caused by his evil twin brother in order to stop his grand devilish plan.

fantasy ~ Circus Action
Rowdy Rascals

In a world full rubberhose toons character, the story is main focus about two guys were unfairly arrested to a crazy asylum prison . In the meantime both of them become friends and learn from the past mistakes .

Some references of the certain characters had to be hidden due to webcomic project with Bombstaticz

Rubberhose style Action Gore Comedy

The seasurfer

Beyond of an open sea,the seasurfers are the well known race in the old times to Voyage around the world, travel, for business trade.This story take on a black tip shark, Pekan had to carry on his family legacy of being a leader of his village.At the same time, trying to defend his people from whatever enemies lurking especially pirates and invaders

Ocean punk retrofuturistic Adventure+action Mystery


A folder where I kept my Sona character| Others ocs without any story including undecided stories |sonic fc

Other ocs fan characters wip stories TBD



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