
All characters listed under here are currently for sale! Un-watermarked reference sheets are provided upon purchase!

+ Commission others to create art of the design
+ Commission others to create alternate versions of the design
+ Resell to another individual for up to original purchase value (ex: if a design is $30, it cannot be sold for $35)
+ Use this design in personal, nonprofit projects with proper design credit. (ex: an extra for a college art project)
+ Request further reference material after purchase at no additional cost (ex: an angle the original sheet does not cover, color palettes)
+ Create or commission designs inspired by the original design, with proper credit for inspiration
+ Create or commission alternate versions of the design
+ Make edits overtop reference material for purely demonstrative purposes

- Purchase any design without acknowledging the Terms of Service
- Resell a design without a copy of this terms of service available to the recipient
- Publicly post un-watermarked reference material
- Publicly post edits made overtop reference material
- Use the design in for-profit projects without my permission
- Purchase a design for corporate use
- Sell alternate versions of a design without relinquishing rights to the initial design
- Publicly utilize character designs partaking in racial violence, pedophilia, rape or incest