

The residents of Persona Port! All very lively with contrasting appearances. However, upon closer inspection, one might notice how unhuman they are with their mannerisms and synchronized movements. This is because they are artificial Homunculi created by the Great Demon Duke Dantalion. The Port was originally somewhat of a storage unit for the Personas when they were not in use. However, with their releasing, the Port has transformed into a town where they attempt to mimick human living.

Great Demon Duke Dantalion

Timeless . They/Them . Creator


The creator of Personas and Persona Port. They used to possess the Personas and use them as "avatars" to explore and live different lives. However, they ceased doing this and now live in the Port secluded from the others.


Adult . She/Her . Nurse


The medic of Persona Port. Adeline is the only Persona capable of healing Personas and being able to intercept the dying process. She is an essential part of the Port and is constantly surveying the Hive to see when she is needed.


37 . He/Him . Knight


Back in the time when Dantalion would use Personas, they would use Arthur to capture people of interest and lock them in the dungeon for inspiration for future Personas. While they no longer do this, Arthur still throws people in the dungeon.


Adult . She/Her . Genie


A powerful genie of Dantalion's own creation. She is infused with an artifact that allows her to grant wishes by taking the item you desire from other timelines. She generally causes more problems than she solves.


Adult . She/Her . Cryptid


Banshee was once created to be the Cryptid of an old town. In addition to being a Chupacabra creature used to attack the locals, she was known for the bone-chilling songs she would sing around the premises she used to haunt.


Adult . He/Him . Plasticeer


A Persona that was used as a supervillain. He is infused with a powerful artifact that allows him to turn any object or person into plastic. Barnaby wishes he were evil once more but cannot do so due to his public image.


Baby . They/Them . Baby


A Persona that was made to be a baby. The very first of its kind. Because they are connected to the Hive, they know just as much as the other Personas. They simply can’t do much because…well, they’re a baby.


Adult . He/Him . Florida Man


Like every mortal town, there needs to be conflict! Bernard makes up 1% of the 2% crime rate in Persona Port. He lives in the alleys’ dumpster, and we don’t talk about him.

Buckaroo Bronco the Bandit

Adult . He/Him . Bandit


Bucky was created to be a bandit in the Touch Kingdom. Upon completion, he was supposed to rip apart the seams of the poor plush people. However, he promptly exploded seconds after his creation due to unstable components.

Cap'N Marrim

Adult . She/Her . Pirate


A pirate Captain persona, Danta used Marrim to sail the seas and generally wreak havoc on anyone they encountered. However, her ingredients were volatile and met an untimely demise when she contacted the ocean below.

Carter Cannoli

27 . He/Him . Mafia Leader


Carter Cannoli is a very highly regarded Persona. He is one of Danta’s favorite Personas and the reason the possession stopped, He was made to be the leader of every mafia. Yes. All of them. He acts as the District leader for the 1930s, keeping his Persona nature hidden from mortals.


Grandpa . He/Him . Cowboy


After Bucky’s untimely demise, Dantalion decided to try again with a different concept. Cassidy is a Persona made to resemble members of the Touch Kingdom. As Cassidy, Danta would travel the world and take in its beauty and experiences. Cassidy is one of Dantalion’s favorites as well as emotional support cowboy.


Adult . He/Him . Beach Bum


Chad is the second Persona Danta has ever created. His original purpose was to find Leviathan, who had fallen into the ocean when he fell from grace. Now Chad is convinced that he has a lover beneath the depths and spends his time looking for them in the water.


Adult . He/They . Constable


Constable Persona is why the 2% crime rate stays at 2%. They do not hesitate when it comes to detaining lawbreakers, and their justice will be swift no matter if the crime is arson or littering.

Cordelia Dial

Adult . She/Her . Hero


Cordelia’s Persona was a superhero named Touch-Tone Telephone; Her “human” identity is being the secretary to Norman Papers in the 1920s district. She’s the first Persona to give birth to a child instead of having one created for her,


Adult . He/Him . Dog


Danta's first and only attempt at making animal Personas. Unfortunately, it was an utter failure creating what can only be described as a reverse werewolf. That’s what the dog’s doing.


Adult . She/Her . Mayor


Frances was created to be a permanent vessel so that Danta could govern Persona Port, explaining why they are so similar in appearance. However, Danta grew bored of her and let her rule over Persona Port in their absence. In present times, she works very hard to ensure that Personas are enjoying themselves and making their own lives in their town.

Howard Knowhow

Adult . He/Him . Reporter


Howard is the reporter on all news around Persona Port! A massive clown standing at 10ft tall, he is always broadcasting the word across the Hivemind. He seems to always be there at the right time and place and predict things before they happen.


Young Adult . She/Her . ORIGINAL OC DO NOT STEAL


ichigo sapphire angelica yuki daemon is the newest Persona and the first that was not Dantalion’s creation. Instead, she is the product of Narcissa Daffodil’s creation. She is half-angel, half-demon, a hacker, and not like other girls because she’s entirely two-dimensional.


5 . He/Him . Video Game Cabinet


Joyce is one of Vaughn’s earliest models that Dantalion decided to bring to life like in the case of Oliver. He is a very rambunctious child but is wellloved all across Persona Port as a beloved baby boy son boy.


Young Adult . He/Him . Special Effects Artist


Kilroy is the very first Persona that Dantalion created. His long time existing on Earth has allowed him to experience many things and make his own life for himself the way he wants to, ultimately inspiring the rest of his fellow Personas.


Young Adult . She/Her . Spectral Menace


Lacey is imbued with the special ability to see ghosts. Dantalion used this ability of hers to tell the fortunes of others by speaking directly to their ancestors. However, when Danta released her, she began to use her powers for evil, seemingly toying with ghosts for no good reason.


Adult . He/They . Hitman


Lawrence was initially created as an attempt to move on from Leviathan. As Lawrence they’d go around being a good samaritan with respectful crushes on others. Dantalion couldn’t commit to this and changed Lawrence to be a super spy with Carter being his antagonist. Lawrence later became a hitman in his story. Dantalion genuinely enjoyed this arc but couldn’t predict the repercussions it would have on Lawrence’s mental state.


8 . He/Them . Friend


Lucius was created as a friend to a creation of Leviathan’s. His purpose was to monitor his growth and make sure he was ready for war. When he was no longer needed, Dantalion killed him off. He has been recently revived, but he has shown to have extensive damage from the void mentally and phyisically, corrupting the person he once was.


Adult . He/Him . Supervillain


Maizeson was created to be the Super Villain Colonel Kernel! The villain was more of a joke than anything and could be defeated very easily. However, when Maizeson was released, he showed just how capable he could be, being very heinous and merciless if he so wanted to be.


Adult . She/Her . Conditioner


Marigold was a Persona used to monitor Personas and condition them so they would be in their best shape in order to serve Dantalion. She carried out ruthless punishments without understanding the gravity of her actions. Nowadays, she is unable to remember her past actions as if someone took her memories.


Adult . She/Its . Maid


Marjorie’s purpose for Persona Port was housekeeping. This was done in a literal sense as she is the only other Persona capable of stepping inside Persona’s and doing maintenance on their core’s to make sure they were suited for Dantalion.


Adult . They/Them . Racer


Mercedes is a Persona created for the purpose of racing! They live in the fast lane and they always get the gold! Mercedes is one of the very few Personas that enjoy and misses when Danta was in control. Their love for racing has taken them completely and they use souls to fuel their car to ensure their victory.


Adult . They/Them . Greaser


Natalia is one of the first “bad” Personas that Danta made. As Natalia, Dantalion would wreak havoc in greaser gang fashion. They would get into fights just because they could. This lead to them also being one of the first who found themselves in the Void.


Young Adult . He/Them . Spamware


Oliver is an older model of Vaughn that Dantalion brought to life. He is a spamware robot virus. While Oliver has only been alive very recently, he’s already been collecting data on everyone he’s come into contact with. Those who encounter him regard him as harmless. Though, they also find themselves unable to remember exactly how the encounter went. He has a humanoid form named Oliver Output, where he is Dickson Daffodil's secretary.


Adult . She/Her . Serial KillerMother


Ophelia was Dantalion’s attempt to make and be a part of a nuclear family. The family consisted of a mother Persona, a Father Persona, and multiple children. They lived happily as this family before growing bored. However, when they came back to check on the family, they found Father Persona had disappeared under mysterious circumstances.


Adult . She/Her . Programmer


Persephone was Dantalion’s last attempt making a nonhostile Persona. Unfortunately, being a middle-aged woman with a regular desk job was simply not entertaining, and they ditched her very quickly. This caused Persephone to grow incredibly pessimistic, believing she would never find fulfillment in life.


Adult . They/Them . Crackhead


Polly was made in a simpler time…THE 60s!!! This is where Dantalion could do copious amounts of drugs and scam people out of their house and homes! Polly stays true to their former character arc, and by using their camera artifact, they are capable of freezing people and robbing them blind. When they’re not being a total rat, they spend their time making MAGIC DRUGS.

Prince Elio

Adult . He/Him . Prince


Originally the Princess of Persona Port. Elio was cursed to turn to a dragon that his Prince had to defeat to save him. This was all choreographed by Dantalion, meaning that Elio had to shift into a dragon and get defeated daily. Even worse, as a Princess, he was forced to do menial princess tasks as he was locked away in his tower. With him realizing he was trans, he came out and demanded to become the Prince Persona. The only thing about it, though, is that he’s a terrible Prince.

Princess Pearlescent

Adult . She/Her . Princess


Originally the Prince of Persona Port. Pearlescent was a strong strapping prince who would defeat the dragon, save the princess, and be the hero of the story every day. When Elio confronted her about wanting to be the Prince, she laughed at him, saying that there was no way he could do it. But the more she thought about it, sitting around and looking pretty was simply too good to pass up. So she accepted and swapped places with him. However, the only thing about it is that she’s a terrible Princess.


Adult . She/They . Micromanager


Radar was a Persona made to maintain the Hive. She knows where every Persona is and is capable of manipulating their pulses. She still uses this power now as Dickson Daffodil’s agent, pulling literal strings to make sure the right people come together to make things fall into place.


Adult . He/Him . Housedad


Riccardo was created as a henchman for Carter in the Lawrence spy arc, generally the silent muscle to counter Lawrence in strength. When Lawrence was killed, and Carter was repurposed, Riccardo was given his turn, becoming a Kingpin of a massive underground Lucha Libre ring. Here, he was made to defeat his opponents, burn them alive, and then enjoy the riches. Riccardo is nothing like his Danta counterpart, who is very kind, talkative, and approachable. And yet, he decides to stay inside his home out of fear of hurting anyone else.


Adult . He/Him . Italian


TONAY, or Tony in English, is Carter’s brother. The family owned a humble Italian restaurant where Tony made his pizz-a pie-a’s. However, Tony was meatballs deep in debt by going to the mafia to fund his marinara saucy excursions. Unfortunately, he ended up dying by the new head of the mafia: his brother.


Adult . She/Her . Evil Stepmom


Dantalion used Tanzanite as the evil stepmother for Elio. Through her, they forced him to wash the floorboards, do the laundry, and stay in the dungeon for an hour and forty-five minutes every day. That was when Dantalion was controlling her, however. The genuine Tanzanite is incredibly loving and motheringly. So it’s too bad that the Princess and Prince torment her every day of her life.

Tim Bit

Adult . He/Him . Mountie


Tim works alongside Constable Persona to maintain the 2% crime rate. However, it is also because of Tim that it is not 1%. He is much too kind to lawbreakers and can be found bandaging the Personas that Constable beat to death. When Danta controlled Tim, they were just a hot Canadian man in the woods with rippling chest hair, pouring maple syrup upon themselves, not helping people at all.


24 . He/Him . Malware Virus


Vaughn was the first persona made from technology, a medium that was entirely foreign to Dantalion. Because of this, they were constantly making new bodies for him. 24 years later, they made the perfect vessel for Vaughn. He is now a self-healing, self-learning AI with the power to pass through any technology that he wants. His humanoid form’s name is Vaughn Voltage, the 2000s District leader.


Adult . She/Him . Femme Fatale


Vendetta Vengence was Lawrence’s spy partner and his girlfriend for his arc. Unfortunately, Dantalion made her purposefully ditzy and incompetent for the role, and she was quickly abandoned once Lawrence was turned into a hitman. Now released, she still operates as a femme fatale, except she’s actually competent. Her last name isn’t just for the alliteration. If you inconvenience her in any way, she will hunt you down for sport.


17 . She/Her . Disco Queen


Dantalion made Veronica so that they could experience what growing up was like. For this reason, whenever they made an error or felt dissatisfied, they would transfer schools and repeat the process. Veronica has been released but still does this, turning her school life into an obsession. She ensures that she is at the top of her class and the very top of her school. She goes through great strides to secure this even if lives are lost along the way.


Young Adult . He/Him . Cyclepath


Dantalion tried really hard to be evil. Really, really Hard. Perhaps a bit too hard??? That shows with Willaim. He is a devil and not an angle. Danta would purposefully go out of their way to be heinous just for the sake of being evil. Now Willaim seems to be just as embarrassed by their former self just as much as Dantalion. Nothing personnel, Kid.

Non-Persona Port Residents

A few residents of Persona Port are not Danta made Personas. However, these are exceptional circumstances as Personas are not open to outsiders. Some examples of these would be Persona partners and children born from a Persona and a non-Persona.


Baby . He/Him . Rubber Ducky Isopod


Cornelius is an isopod Carter saw when his boyfriend took him to the countryside. It was practically love at first as Carter didn’t hesitate to take him home. Cornelius has his little pen hidden from the other Personas at Carter’s penthouse.


Child . She/Her . Guitarist


Curly is one of Lawrence’s three little girls. She is a very talented guitarist who hopes to pursue music when she grows up. She usually acts as the voice of reason amongst the trio.


19 . He/Him . Teen


Ditto is Carter’s son, which he just realized he had! About two weeks ago! Ditto seems to be confused about Persona Port, resorting to causing mayhem. In the same vein, the Personas there do not understand him either but regard him fondly nonetheless.


Child . She/Her . Explorer


Guava is one of Lawrence’s three daughters. She was found wandering the desert. However, it was quickly found that she survived out there for years. She loves adventure and strives to discover something new every day.

Harper Pepsis

Adult . He/Him . Anesthesiologist/Supervillain


Harper is Carter’s boyfriend. He works with Adeline at the hospital located in the 2000s by day. However, at night, Harper is the supervillain Domino, stumping his opponents with his quick wits and smooth charm.


Adult . He/They . District Leader/Time Deity


Monday is Riccardo’s child! He grew up in Persona Port and was loved by everyone. However, he was also avoiding natural disasters every second of his life! This is because Monday is a Time Deity cursed with horrible luck. Monday works as the district leader for the 1900s, fighting for his life every time he steps into work.


Child . She/Her . Curandera


Plush is one of Lawrence’s three daughters! In her boutique, she was raised by Barbara Bee, giving her a love for fashion and helping people. She hopes to become a powerful Curandera so that she can help everyone in the world. For right now, though, she is trying to help her father.

Clown Demon Funny Business Pink Toon Jester Robot Adopt Blue Homunculus Purple Ghost Clowns Yellow Species Green UFS Adoptable Mime OTA