🤖 Radix Directory

Welcome to Radix!

Hello from across the stars! I am the Nanotechnology Entity Traversing Terrains of Interplanetary Environments! But you can just call me Nettie! I’d like to welcome you to the world of Radix! Radix is an amazing planet that’s entirely automated (well, not entirely, but we’re hard at work to get it there)! Radix was created so all Newmans could live exactly how they want! The Robocracy is constantly upgrading the planet to make that possible!


What’s a Robocracy????

What’s a Robocracy?!?! Well, they’re only the most powerful Robots in all of Radix! They are in charge of making sure Radix is a perfect planet for each and every person on its surface! It isn’t easy work, but the Robocracy works tirelessly for everyone! Hey, let me introduce you to them!



Power over Entertainment

Here’s my big bud CableCast! Ol’ CC here makes sure that Newmans are always happy! TV shows, music, games, excursions, he does everything and more to make sure Newmans enjoy themselves! I just love the guy!



Power over Grid

Switcheroo powers the entire sky of Radix! She works nonstop to make sure the days and nights are optimal for Newmans! It’s still a work in progress, but she is working very hard to have the grid be fully operational! Go, go, go!



Power over Respawns

If you get really hurt on Radix ( :( ) you might need to respawn! Thankfully, Ouija makes it so that every Newman can come back no matter what! It might take a little while, but you’ll be back before you know it!


Angel Aura Quartz

Power over Lifestyle

Ommmmm! Angel Aura handles all matters related to lifestyle for Newmans. Anything you need to improve your way of living, whether it be a new look, new mindset, or powerful abilities, Aura makes it all possible for the people of Radix.


Carbon FibArrr

Power over Slick

Now, don’t be fooled by this guy’s scary face! The Captain takes Newmans where they need to go across the great oil slick of Radix! With his powerful boat, Newmans can travel across the entire planet in just minutes! All while listening to a great shanty! Wowie!



Power over Fauna

What’s a planet without animals? And what makes a better planet? One where you can make your own! BugByte can make any animal a reality! When she’s not making best friends, she’s out making space on the planet for even more cuddly friends! Awwe, aren’t they all so cute??



Power over Children

Wanting to start a life on Radix? Why not consider installing some children? The Kiddies at the Stork allow you to create and customize a child! The Stork is always creating new children every day in all kinds of shapes and sizes and powers. Come and make your child of the future!



Power over Space

Hey!! That’s me! I’m the newest member of the Robocracy! I help support the other Robocrats upgrade by orbiting Radix and helping expand! It’s also my job to help everyone make Radix their home! I’m going to do my very best :D!

Low Bots

Maintaining an entire planet sure is a lot of work! That’s why the Robocracy made Lower Level bots to main every aspect of Newman living!! While they may not be Robocrats, they all work hard to maintain the Robocracy’s vision! Let me introduce you to some notable ones!


Deb O'Nair

Fashion and Arts

Deb O’ Nair designs all the clothing, art, and looks of well…practically everything on Radix! Fun and zany, they are the bot to go to if you’re wanting to spice up your look!




While Radix is incredible, it’s still a work in progress! It would be really sad if you got hurt in some of the undeveloped areas ( :((( ) thankfully, Radix has Traffic-Stop! They keep all Newmans safe and area from these areas! Phew!




Tired of the same routine? Need a new look? Then come down to the body shop! Here you can get any part of your body modified. My buddy Electrobeat can even get you powers! Isn’t that neat?!




Got hurt? ( DDD8!!! ) Not to worry! Hell+H is an incredibly capable robot that can mend each and every possible injury!


Vaporwave Diamond


Looking for a tune to groove to? Vaporwave Diamond produces all music that plays across Radix! You’ll never hear the same song twice!

Low Bots

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo. Phasellus mollis placerat libero, non euismod diam sodales eget.


Character Name

age . gender . adjective

Write a small one to two sentence summary of the character here. This is just a blurb, keep it concise!


Character Name

age . gender . adjective

Write a small one to two sentence summary of the character here. This is just a blurb, keep it concise!


Character Name

age . gender . adjective

Write a small one to two sentence summary of the character here. This is just a blurb, keep it concise!


Character Name

age . gender . adjective

Write a small one to two sentence summary of the character here. This is just a blurb, keep it concise!


Character Name

age . gender . adjective

Write a small one to two sentence summary of the character here. This is just a blurb, keep it concise!

Clown Demon Funny Business Pink Toon Jester Robot Adopt Blue Homunculus Ghost Purple Clowns Yellow Species UFS Adoptable Green Mime OTA