New Home

In many worlds, there exist certain places that are crossroads- areas where the lines between worlds blur and blend. Within the boundaries of Nyctophos there exists a forest that's a hub of highly concentrated magic; in it, if you're lucky enough to find it, exists a house, and the odd residents within...

"New Home" is basically an offshoot, personal timeline involving my own personal avatars/sonas living, healing, and growing together with a handful of characters. Unlike Nyctophos or Evermind, the storyline for New Home is essentially an ongoing, long-term history that's building in real time. It started out as a sort of therapeutic thing and just grew from there into it's own thing, so the characters in here are a part of that.

Note: Characters in this folder are primarily active in the timeline of New Home, but they may originate from other storylines due to the nature of this one. The Mind and it's characters originate from the same Mind as Evermind, many other recurring characters have their own roles in Nyctophos' original story, etc.