Godhood Done Quick

Godhood Done Quick is a Joke Pokemon Askblog, the joke being that there's mostly not that much effort put into this project most of the time except when it does have an enormous amount of effort put into it for a single time and never again.

The story goes as follows: DX is an Incredibly powerful Wurmple that after becoming a near unstoppable force of nature he went into the pocket dimension known as The Pantheon to finally obtain Godhood and claiming his "Rightful" place amongst the most powerful pokemon there are. On his journey he faces against powerful enemies with the exact same goal as his and since that just can't be, he decides to beat the ever living shit out of them, either out of simple ego or simply because they commited the cardinal sin of getting in his way.

The Blog (much like MSPaint-Furret) is being worked on almost entirely on MS Paint. If there is a rare occasion where it's not, the settings are set to always have no stabilizer and keeping the drawings as rough and unpolished as possible.

TL;DR: This blog is a hot mess of me just goofing around, if you want to see how hell breaks loose here's the link.

pokemon pokemon_oc furret Pokemon pokefusion ditto weavile monkey woobat pokemon oc oc grookey pangoro shitpost serperior scracho pincurchin bat wurmple spiritomb