Family of Risers

Family of Risers
This family of cats holds a unique trait in their genetics. They have been grouped together because of their uniqueness and rarity. Many poachers have sought for the cats to sell on the black market. That's why the cats joined together to form a plan to stop the poachers and keep all of them safe. There are more rare cats out there that is in danger of being captured and sold. With the Family of Risers, their goal is to free the captured cats, stop the black market, and keep everyone safe.

Roles and Traits
Haven [LEADER]- Born blind with closed eyes and have overgrown fur. Have a very good sense of smell and hearing. Very stealthy and brave.
Flare [CO-LEADER]- Have a unique coat pattern and blends in easily in dark areas. Great hunter and a great assistance to investigating mysteries.
Ghast [SCOUT]- Have a pale coat color and four ears. Have seen visions, spirits, and ghosts that no normal cat can see.
Narcol [GUARD]- Have a fur condition where the fur can become spiky. Have great attacking and hunting skills.
Myrna [HEALER]- Have a disability to be unable to walk well. Great at making medicine and identifying herbs.
Synka [BROODMOTHER]- Have extra limbs and a unique black/white patterned coat. Unable to walk well. Have nurturing and calm personality.
Bambi [APPRENTICE]- Unknown traits. Was abandoned by birth parents and picked up by the Risers.
Lyia [KIT]- Have a great sense of smell and sight. Very playful but can be manipulated easily.