Plant Coven

The witches of the planet coven lived on the forest on northern titan of Keandra, Keith. Those who lived long enough there, gained adaptations from magic energy from that region. Those who gained these adaptations, will gained animalistic abilities such as night vision, strong sense of smell or plant - like abilities such as a plant growth on their bodies or smell like a flower.

Apart from specializing in Plant and Beast Calling (Beast Keepin) magic, they’re well known for advanced modern agriculture, the palistrom forest reserve, food competitions and spirit animal conjuring. Spirit animal conjuring is when a group of three witches or demons use mystic and beast calling magic and the calling the essences of the titans gifts (plant, fire, ice and light glyphs), to create creatures of ancient beasts of the past. However, this power was taught to a group of Mipedians by a witch, which led to the creation of the first conjurers and later the warbeasts.

Rumor has it, the coven head created an alliance with one of leaders the tribes.