Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

This profile contains depictions and mentions of: physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, child abuse, animal abuse, blood, gore, self-harm, bones, death, animal death, murder, stalking, mental health, illness, drugs, addiction, mind control, unethical experimentation, sexism, ableism, nsfw humor, suggestive themes, religious imagery, demons, ghosts, dolls, police, snakes, spiders, insects, tentacles, bright colors

Don't sell my designs, only trade, gift, and redesign 

DNI: Antivaxxers, homophobes, transphobes, ableists, animal/child abusers, people against polyamory, and anti-furries

Warning: I support shipping as long as it isn't toxic

Feel free to draw my OCs and designs! Paintings, plushies, needle felting, fursuits (only if I commission you or you own one of my designs), and other crafts are also welcome! 

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