
Flight of the Dragonships

In a far away region of the universe, there exists dragon-spaceship hybrids known as, well, Dragonships. They're biological dragon spaceship hybrids with some mechanical parts roaming the universe with different purposes. Some have bonded with other beings from across the universe (those who have done so are known as Pilots).

In this universe, a young galactic explorer named Flareheart, during one of their voyages, discovered one such Dragonship, Bluestar, abandoned. After becoming Bluestar's Pilot, the two have since gone on a lot of crazy adventures since...

The Species

As the name implies, they're dragon-spaceship hybrids. While mostly biological, they do have mechanical bits too. They're divided into multiple classes based on their body-style.

  • Draco: Western-dragon inspired. Very much balanced in terms of speed and power.
  • Long: Looks like a mix between an Eastern dragon and a bullet train. Very fast and agile, though it does lack in brute force.
  • Wyvern: Two-legged. Sacrifices some power for speed, though not as much as the serprentine-bodied ones.
  • Hydra: Multi-headed unit. Can handle multiple Pilots. Slower than Dracos, but much more powerful.
  • Wyrm: Snake-like. Even faster and more agile than Longs. Not for the weak-stomached to pilot.

(These are just general types. Dragonships can come in all shapes and sizes!)

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