Strawberry-Blast's Bulletins

General Wishlist

Posted 7 months, 23 days ago by Strawberry-Blast

I've been debating making this for a few months now, but I decided that since my birthday is coming up in November, I would go ahead and finally do this.

Anyways, ship art would be the best! I live for ship art, so have a link to information about them. Ship Information!

I also love family interactions, whether that be between siblings or parent + child. It's interesting to see the take people have on family dynamics.

Ultimately, art of any of my OCs would make me happy, so that's totally okay!


Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Strawberry-Blast

Figured I would share this because why not, but it's time for artfight!

So go ahead and check me out there if you want!