Stuffthebun's Literatures

1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 1 month ago
5 719

Dragentina are a small and mysterious species that has just started to show themselves to the world. Little is yet known about these adorable draconic rodents to those outside the species. All that is known as of now that there seems to be two different sup species of dragentina. Western and eastern.

Many century ago there was only one tribe but a war broke out between the tribe and they split off into two different directions. One half went to the east and became known as Eastern Dragentia while the other half migrated to the wast to be known as Western Dragentia. The cause of this split is sacred knowledge and only passed on from the current tribal Chief to the next in line to be Chief. This knowledge is know as the sacred Forbidden history. Chief is typically male but in some cases will be female.