Sula's Profile Comments

hey! is there any chance that the images with the watermark 'sula' on this character have been drawn by you? <3 i got them in a trade w/o proper image credit


Which images exactly? :) I see a few items that I drew, a loooong time ago!

All the ones under that character that say "sula"

Yes, the ones that have my name on them I drew. They're pretty old though!

that's totally okay! i just want to make sure artists are getting proper credit since whoever uploaded the images didn't give it <3

do you have any characters up for trade?

BOOP! (:

heeeeey! :D glad to see you uploading some stuff! :D

Hey I didn't know you were Canadian! 8D Glad to see more Canadians around.

I didn't know you were canadian! :D

:D Yep! Over in BC!

that's so neat ! i have.. or had.. not sure if they're in alberta now? out there! c: in any case, it's lovely out there!

just laughing at this: your icon is looking right at mine. :')

LMAO i love it! xDD bahaha it actually fits perfectly im all like "damn she's gorgeous" and anchor's all "you can't have meee"


hey!! :D

hey <3 how are you? hershey is so cute btw ;;

Enh! School started again, so. :c thanks! ;u;

Boo school. D:

hay you c;

heey! :D I am so confused by this site LOL xD is there a way to like.. separate the reference from the rest of the images on a character'spage? :s

That's what I was looking for ;____; I wanna make separate folders for ref sheets, large art, tags, icons, etc D:

yeeeees same!! is there a suggestion board? or somewhere we can see what's in store? ;o;

There is a suggestions board under Forums, and I made a post about that and they said they'd add it to their to-do list! :O

Ahh you're amazing! I actually discovered you can move the reference around, you can't separate it but if when you're editing your character's images you click the "gallery" link on the left bar, you can drag & drop the images, then click save and it keeps em where they are! :D

2 Replies

i have noo idea ;UUUUU; this is so weird to get used to! ( but cool! )

mhmm! it's a neat idea.. i just have little nit picky problems with it xD

i agree! but isn't it still in beta or alpha? ;O; i'm sure something will happen sooner or later! C:

here's hoping! c: