✧ Trade ✧



Suspicious Shopkeep: *Sniff *Sniff "...Hm, what an odd scent you've got there...You must be here for some devilish goodies huh. Huhuhu...(*The suspicious shopkeeper taps his pouch of catnip*)

Suspicious Shopkeep: ...

Suspicious Shopkeep: HUH?! YOU"RE NOT?! *Ahem* You saw nothingTwT If not that then...You must be here to scout an OC! My Master left behind a note for you Traveller! Happy spendin'! (I'll get my trusty paws on that gold...)

Note from Sulkie

Hello lovelies! I hope our little shopkeeper didn't cause you any trouble^^ Feel free to DM me offers and enquiries. Im mainly interested in Victorian Fantasy and Stylish Trendy Modern Characters^^...or yknow...Hunky or Pretty boi OCs.

Priorities: Money (USD)>Art>Trades

Im open for mixed offers too! Rn, Im trying to clear OCs I haven't personally designed or haven't grown attatched to. The only times I'll really consider a trade is if I'm like, head over heels with your character;w; Please check my favourites to get a general idea for my preferences! Ive gotten too many DMs of users asking me to scroll through their ToyHouse so I'd appreciate if you filtered them out if you have pages of them...

Tip: Want the cat try and sell you something?? He's very convincing. Click on the character icons to hear what he has to say! He's one of my best employees, I'll entrust you to him^^ For optimal experience, play 'Shop-Toby Fox' on repeat lol, it's our shop theme^^


item 1 name 300
*Whistles* A hot fella huh. He'll defs add some fire and spice into your life. (He looks like a handful...)

Hm? oh nothing nothing. You can find Hotstuff over in the $200+ room! (His room still haunts my poor beloved tail each day *Sighs*) 


item 2 name 300
OH! yes yes, a keen eye you have there! Only one of the most gorgeous, ethereal, breathtaking, dreamiest witch around! She was called from the stars when a horrible nightmare virus was spreading around! She wonders around like a soft breeze and sings with a siren like voice. This lovely lady was inspired by a dreamcatcher! You can find her in room $200+^^

Hm?? favouritism? Unheard of! How dare you accuse a fine feline such as myself of such preposterous accusastions HMPH (hmmm, I wonder if she's free for more head pets and treats?)



item 3 name 300
BAH! A BUTTERFLY! I'll catch you one day...

It seems like the shopkeep is a bit distracted here. You can find her in room $200+.


item 4 name 300
Oh dear, this pathetic- I mean- faint hearted child seems like he could use a loving home. From what I've heard, the dudes got a third eye, that's got to be crazy cool (I wish I had a third eye, woe is me)


item 5 name 300
HUH? A DRAGON? (since when did we have one of those here)

He's a lonesome dragon spirit that roams across the rivers and lakes. Don't you think he'll look especially beautiful under the moonlit sky by the riverbank? (Hmm, was that too specific?...)

He's apparently in room $100+! You'll see what I mean...


item 6 name 300
AHA! don't be fooled, this young lady is no kitty cat, she's actually part bat>:3 You can find her in room $100+

 (I didn't know she wasn't a cat until last week...Traveller shouldn't know this, I'm much too embarrassed...)