Sun_kaku's Profile Comments

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thank you so much for your bases! they are so nise amd magical, i'll make some adopts and ofc credit you :] you're amaziiing!

Ty, enjoy ^^ !

UR PAGEE i love vaporeon sm shes such a comfort character <3

Its so cute! ☺️ That's why i chose them to be my page's theme :D

I love your art sm,, are comms open?

Ty but sadly no atm ;_;

helloo, i read your tos but i still have this question, is it okay with you if we use your free base to create adopts??

Yes sure you can use it for adopts

hi sorry to bother, do you have Leftovers OTA on Toyhouse this base for sale?

The base its free and can be found here:

oq vc acha dessa imagem sunkaku? acha vddi?


Pq apagou o comentário da fishnets... Achou q eu nao ia ver? 🙄

era uma imagem indecente demais..fiquei shy rsrs..quanto mais olhava mais eu ficava imaginando uma bela moça vestindo..

?????????????????? KKKKKKKKKKKKK

Hi sorry for the weird question but if someone got a design by you and they commisioned and paid for art off them but the art isnt ready yet would resale be allowed and then the person just posts the art to the th once its done? 

hi there, sorry for late reply! i'd prefer not because in some cases people may never finish the art piece at all, which can result in overpricing ^^'

Alright thank you!!! 

Alright thank you!!! 

I assume its time if its not tell me, but trick or treat if im correct :00

hello i'll post an bulletin for the event youll need to comment there!! 

Alr :00 ty

How many hours until it starts bc im bad at math and its 11am for me rn (ik youve been asked a lot im sorry 😭😭)

13:22 pm for me now, its 5-6 pm.. so 4 ish hours

A suggestion for freebies is garden snail themed cat!

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Sorry i was sleeping

When i google it, it says 7-8 am in sydney time, but im unsure since im not from there

Its like in 10-11ish hours, it's 6:44 am for me now (the event will be 5-6 pm

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Could you ping me when Halloween house is out? ^^

Hi sorry i wont ping D: but i might open the house at 5-6 PM brt if you need an guide

Alright, that’s fine ^^

is the halloween event still happening :o

Its on 31 october

It haven't started yet

Another question for the Halloween house- would I be able to knock for a friend that has DA or another art social but not toyhouse, or do they have to create an account? ^^

I'd prefer if they created an account but as long as you screenshot their response it's fine 

They’re -Shadow_Star-  on scratch, oh and here’s the comment I did to ask them :D


The house is on 31th tho

Yep ik!

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I had a few codes and asked, but she doesn’t want to have an account because there are non-minors on th and her parents don’t really want her interacting with them.

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For the trick or treat event, do I comment on your profile on on the specific character? ^^

Hi it's not open yet! There will be an bulletin i'll post on 31th for the event

Okay, thank you for specifying!!

Do you have an idea of what time specofically you will post it? ><

I don't know yet ! ;_; probably around 18:00/6PM brt. But that's a maybe!

Your art is super adorable!! Do you take commissions by any chance? :>

Hi hi! I don't really do commissions other than wiggle icons or customs and it's both closed now ;_;

That's alright, thank you for letting me know!