SunlitSparks's Bulletins

Also Berk you're an INFP we talked about this a year or so ago and everyone in the server was INFP     

what should I call you? Sunny or Aster

gender Demigirl

pronouns  They/Them

sexuality Bisexual as FUCK

height Idk every doctor says something different but around 5'2"ish

favorite bands / artists  Illenium, Starset, Taylor Swift, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Skillet, ,,, uhhh a LOT more

favorite youtuber ShadyPenguinn

favorite food Idk anymore I'm super picky on food lately

favorite celebrity What's that

favorite time of day Evening

favorite holiday Halloween

favorite season Autumn

favorite fruits I don't like fruits, they burn my mouth :(

favorite colors Coral red, or just warm colors in general

favorite song People can choose just one????

favorite flower Aster, cosmos, rose

favorite emoji   

favorite hobby Writing !!!

favorite country Uhm I mean I barely remember living in Germany but it seemed pretty cool. better than America at least

favorite weather Cloudy (not Sunny?!?!   )

name of your crush Buddy, my significant other who I have been with for almost 3 years

name of your pet(s) Mighty, a tuxedo cat, and his sister Iggy, a gray cat (same litter!)

introvert or extrovert Introverted as FUCK

looks or personality Morals

homesick or traveler I wanna travel but everytime I go somewhere I get homesick :(

writer or artist More of a writer but starting to get into art hehe

woods or city Neither, woods have too many bugs but city is too much noise

tv or youtube Probably YouTube, it's hard to find tv shows I get invested in

phone or computer I use my phone more but only bc I lay in bed so much bc   depression    

What art program do you use?  Clip Studio Paint

Can I DM you? Please ask first

Can you authorize me?  Sure!

Can I request character links?  Absolutely!

Are you open to art/design trades?  In the future maybe but I'm currently preparing to move

When do you open commissions?  Maybe in 5 years when I get good at art /hj /nsrs

Can I see a picture of you/will you do a face reveal? Not on request no lol, only when I feel like it

Can I take inspiration from your art/designs?  Sure so long as it's not a carbon copy

Can I trace your art?  Hell no

May I put your characters in dreamie folders?  What is thta

Can I ask for your discord?  Sure! It's SunlitSparks, same as here hehehe

Can I draw your characters, alone or with mine?  Yes   

Can our characters be friends/enemies/etc? Yes !!!

Can I ship my characters with yours? Ask first because some have canon partners

Are you okay with offers on your characters?  So long as it's understood that there will likely be some rejections sure

Do you do pings?  Sure 

Can I offer on the same character multiple times?  Depends on the specifications; if it's an outright "no this character is not up for offer" please don't offer again, but if it's more like "I'm not interested in this particular offer" from the first offer, it's fine if you offer again

Do you like eggs? Like,, to eat? Uh..sometimes

Favorite piece(s) of art you’ve made? Don't have one yet, they're all trash XD

If you had to give away every single one of your ocs except one, which would you keep? Does a sona count in this instance? If so, I'd keep my sona Sunny; if not, I'd keep Dawnbright/Dawnstar

Do you have any characters you are keeping just for nostalgia Some of my d&d characters, yeah

Strangest place an oc you owned was created? Idk I think they were all made like at home or at school when I was still in school

Favorite animal? Foxes !!! wAIT TOYHOUSE THERE'S NO FOX EMOJI?!?! FIX THAT ASAP   

Do you like the color red I do !!

Favorite game? Anything in the Sonic franchise, but most specifically, Sonic Frontiers

Favorite show? The Owl House

What’s your darkest backstory? I have quite a few but the worst is probably Shadowcloud and Lightheart, their father murdered their mother and kidnapped them lol

Favorite oc headcannon? Wait what's an oc headcanon? i thought headcanons only applied to canon characters what's the point of calling it an oc headcanon that's just a fact about your oc **confusion intensifies**

Ultimate dreamie? Again don't know what that is

Do you have any achieved dreamies? ...again, what is a dreamie?!?!?!?

Do you like your art? Not rlly

Do you think you’ve improved since you’ve joined the internet/made your current account? Improved in what way? As a person? As an artist?? Uh, tbh I think the answer to both might be yes actually

were you named after anyone? No

when was the last time you cried? Yesterday

do you like your handwriting? Usually yeah

what is your favourite type of lunch meat? Probably ham

do you have children? My kitties are my children     

if you were another person, would you be friends with you?  I'm not sure, maybe

do you use sarcasm a lot? I used to but not so much anymore

do you still have your tonsils? I think so???

would you bungee jump? Maybe

What is your favourite cereal? Cocoa puffs

do you untie your shoes when taking them off? My shoes don't have laces LMAO

are you strong? Not really no

what is your favourite ice-cream? The Milk and Cookies flavor of Ben & Jerry's, and their Red Velvet Cake which they haven't made in YEARS BRING IT BACK BJ RAHHHHHHH

what is the first thing you notice about people? Probably their clothes or their voice...or their height LOL

red or pink? Coral red

what is the least favourite thing about yourself? People can have just one????

what colour shoes are you wearing? Melon pink

what was the last thing you ate? Ham sandwich

what are you listening to right now? Traffic

if you were a crayon what colour would you be?  Coral

favourite smells? Lavender, eucalyptus, anything citrus-y or floral-y

who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Buddy lol

favourite sport to watch? I'll sometimes watch football with my dad but that's it, I do love watching figure skating for the Olympics though

hair colour?  I dyed it teal back in June but it's faded to like a light green now, and my natural hair color is in too so it's brown and green LMAO

eye colour? Hazel green

do you wear contacts? No

scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings

last movie you watched? I'm not even sure uhhhhhh I think it was Elf, around Christmas time??

what colour shirt are you wearing? Like a cream colored off-white

hugs or kisses? Hugs

favourite dessert? Ice cream

what book are you reading at the moment? I'm not

what is on your mouse pad? Galaxy

do you have a special talent? Probably but I can't think rn lolllll

where were you born? Germany

where are you living now? South Carolina

what colour is your car? Red

do you like answering these questions?  Kinda but like there's soooo manyyyyyy

Now time for something serious  

Is there anything that scared you as a child? Not really, I was a pretty fearless kid

(IF YOU'RE TRANS) What made you come out as trans?  N/A

Is there anybody you know that is LGBTQ+phobic? If so... how do you feel about it? Are/Were they close? My grandpa; it makes me angry; I try not to interact with him unless necessary; we were kinda close ish when I was younger yeah

Was there anybody in your life, maybe a complete stranger or asshole who disrespected you bc of your looks, identity, attraction, etc.? Yes, it happens a lot


What are your HCs for your IRL or Kin? 

Do you like the way your IRL or Kin is portrayed in canon? 

What about fanon / fandom ??? (Feel free to rant lol) 

What about HCs for your comfort character or crush? 

Do you like how they are in canon? 

Fanon / Fandom? 

Favorite hetero ship? (Plz nothing illegal...) Sonic x Amy from Sonic the Hedgehog

Favorite LGBTQ+ ship? (Same above...) Uhhh uhhhh *uhhhhhhh* , probablyy Whisper x Tangle from the Sonic the Hedgehog IDW comics

Least favorite ship n' why? (You can rant about illegal ships, yes lol) Sonic x Tails; there is A HUGE age gap and they are literally adoptive siblings and it just feels disgusting and wrong and ick

Character(s) that you hate so much cuz they remind you of somebody who has hurt you in some way? Genuinely I can't think of one

what do you use to draw? Pencil and sketchbook, or my drawing tablet

what brush do you use for lineart? Some type of pen brush usually

what do you typically draw? My OCs

when did you start art in general? Like late middle school ish

when did you start digital art? About a year ago

why did you start digital art? It feels like there's more you can do with it without buying lots of physical supplies, which I don't have much space in my home for

do you plan on doing art in the long run? I'd really like to yeah! Just gotta find motivation lol

are you happy with your art style? Not yet, I feel like a little kid drawing art and I wanna go for a more anime-like style

do you prefer character designing or drawing characters? Designing is hard so probably drawing

are you self taught or did you ever take classes? I took art classes but they weren't really good fundamental classes, I'm mostly self taught

how long would it take you to draw a simple fullbody? Like,, maybe 5 or more hours working consecutively?

how many sketches do you do? Not many, I probably should do more

do you have any go-to music or background noise you like to have when drawing?  Yes! I love electronic / melodic dubstep music when doing at

Who did you last say "I love you" to? To Buddy, as he was leaving for work

Do you regret it? Not one bit

Have you ever been depressed? Oh boy have I ever- 

How do you want to die? Idk, I don't wanna die a young tragic death but I also don't wanna be old bc it sounds painful so I guess middle aged from something sudden?

Played any sports? Tried out for basketball in 7th grade, didn't make the team

Do you bite your nails? I'll bite off hangnails but that's it

Do you have an attitude?  Sometimes but I never really realize it, got that 'tism that makes it hard to know XD

Do you like someone? *Looks at my partner* Noooooooooooo

Do you hate anyone at the moment? My manager probably

Do you miss someone? I miss my mother :(

Twirl or cut your spaghetti? Twirl

Do you tan a lot? Not really bc I don't go outside a lot

Have any pets? Two pretty kitties !

How exactly are you feeling? Upset tummy :(

Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? Yeah, is that not normal?

ever made out in the bathroom?  No lol

Would you take any of your exes back?  Probably not

Are you scared of spiders?  A bit

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?  Maybe...

Do you regret anything from your past? A couple small things yeah

What are your plans for this weekend? Well it's already Sunday lol, but this upcoming weekend I'm going out of town to see my dad and stepmom

Do you want to have kids? Maybe someday but idk yet

Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? Oddly specific, no lol

Do you type fast?  Typing go *nyooooooom* (yes)

Do you have piercings? Two ear piercings

Want any more? Maybe two more above my current ones so I can wear those cool dragon earrings that require two piercings in one ear lol

Can you spell well?  Excluding typos by mistake? Yes, I'm the one people go to asking how to spell a word LOL

Do you miss anyone from your past? I miss the kitties I had when I lived with my parents :(

What are you craving right now? Water aj;lsdfkjas;dflkajsd;flkajdsf;lksdf

Ever been to a bonfire party? I don't remember, I wanna say yes?

Have you ever been on a horse?  Yep, only once

Have you ever been cheated on? Nope

Would you live with someone without marrying them?  ...I already am A;LDKFJA;SLDFKJASDFL;

What should you be doing? showering afsd;lkajsdflk why you gotta call me out like that

What's irritating you right now? My headache

Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? Yes

Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? No

Do you have trust issues? Yes

Who was the last person you cried in front of?  My coworkers LOL

Do you give out second chances too easily? For someone who has trust issues, oddly, yes I do

Is it easier to forgive or forget? Forgive; forgetting is hard

Is this year the best year of your life?
Idk man I'm still on January let me accept February XD

What was your childhood nickname? Meg

Have you ever walked outside completely naked? No

Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Ehh

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?  Looked at cute Sonic fankid fanart lol

Have you ever been out of your state? Yep

Do you play the Wii? 
I used to, my parents sold it when I was a kid :(

Are you listening to music right now? Nope

Do you like Chinese food? No, I'm really picky with Chinese and it usually gives me an upset tummy

Do you know your fathers b- day? Of course, why is this a question????

Are you afraid of the dark? No

Is cheating ever okay? Nonononononononono

Are you mean? I mean I don't think so but my mom gaslit me a lot when I was younger and told me constantly that I was so idkkkk   

Can you keep white shoes clean? I mean I've never owned white shoes so maybe?? Idk about KEEP them clean but I certainly know how to get them clean again

Do you like the outside?  In theory yes...but bugs... *shudders*

Are you currently bored?  Kinda yea LOL

Do you wanna get married? I do 

Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? No it feels infantalizing and icky and weird

Are you hungry? Nah I just ate not too long ago

Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? Nope, my allergies suck I wouldn't be able to breathe   

What makes you happy? My cats     

Would you change your name? I already did, wouldn't change it again, I'm happy with Aster...unless we're talking legally, which hasn't happened yet but I do plan to

Ever been to Alaska? No

Do you watch the news? Not really but I'll read news articles on my phone sometimes just to know shit that's going on

What's your zodiac sign? Virgo

Do you like Subway? Yep!

Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Nope

Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?  Pretend I don't know

Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?  Yeah

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act  yourself around?  Kinda yeah

Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? My partner lol

Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? It would matter VERY much, it would be a dealbreaker for me

Favorite lyrics right now?  "Everything I know, everything I hold tight / When to let it go, when to make 'em all fight / When I'm in control, when I'm outta my mind / When I gotta live, when I gotta die" (Die For You, the 2021 annual Valorant championship song)

Can you count to one million? In theory yeah but I'd lose patience after like fucking 50

what do you love Cats, colorful things, sparkly things, music, video games, art, writing, music, my partner, cute things

favourite drinks Not super picky on drinks tbh, my favorites are Baja Blast, Vitamin Water, blue Powerade, and sweet tea

coffee or tea Why not both?

pretzels or chips Chips

spicy or sweet Both

early bird or night owl Night owl

what are places youd love to visit I'd love to see some European countries...and Disneyworld, and LegoLand XD

cats or dogs Cats, not that I dislike dogs, just vibe better with cats

what do you think about mostly Sonic autism brainrot sonic autism brainrot adkfja;lsekfja;eslkfjasf

goofy or silly Silly !!!!

mtbi INFP-T

gosh that took so long to fill out

Seeking art advice

Posted 9 months, 10 hours ago by SunlitSparks

Hello my fellow artist friends! I'm finally sort of starting to get into art myself like I've always wanted to, and I have lots of ideas I want to draw, but I had a question about art style. Is it best to focus on one thing at a time, or just go free and do what I want? I ask this because there's a few main things I want to draw: humans and humanoids, anthro animals (specifically Sonic characters lol), feral animals (primarily cats), and Pokemon. Those all have quite different approaches as far as anatomy goes, so would it be best to just like pick one to focus on for a while or just say fuck it and go wild? lol