Team Ivyswirl

For this ARPG!

Team Ivyswirl, explorers and wanderers.

level 3 | 6/10 pokemon

The pokemon have their base in a mysteriously bigger on the inside wagon. It can be take fairly easily from place to place, and is a good mobile space of operations. The outside is a colorful, painted wood, that is covered in little drawings and friendly messages for any visitors. Inside, there's a room for each one of the pokemon, and a main meeting space for the group to gather and discuss things. When a new pokemon joins the team, there's suddenly a new room for them. No one seems to know where the wagon came from, but it's a wonderful home.

sunglow moonrise leafstorm design meeps imagination frontierclan dcay starheart the hidden shores sixbane design caspians circus fort bravery ancient pirates peaceful elder scrolls twinleaf dragons alysm alliance sheepuns design skybright sunset character quarter-moon hill pirates from guess adopts lighthouse town weather crew ffxiv fursona inkyuu dnd Starheart